What's your sleep pattern like?


Local Monstergirl
Jul 14, 2020
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Are you a night owl? A morning person? Both? Do you go to bed early, or late, etc?

I'm absolutely a late night person myself, and I hate early mornings. My sleeping schedule has always been kind of chaotic, though recently I find myself up during the odd morning hours, sometimes not sleeping until 6 a.m. or so, and being up around or shortly after lunch. I was diagnosed with a sleeping disorder in high school but according to a much more recent diagnosis it's actually PTSD.
This has evolved overtime but I'm the complete opposite! Originally I would stay up until 3-6 a.m., wake up at 1 p.m., and go to work for 3 p.m. (used to work nights at a restaurant).

Now I'm going to bed at 9:30-10:30 p.m. and waking up between 5:30-6:30 a.m. I want to get back into the habit of using my mornings for getting out for a walk/jog. I prefer mornings as they're cooler and I don't have to worry about crowds.

The only constant is needing a minimum of seven hours to prevent my eyes from feeling like they're burning. Late nights mean tired eyes - not a fan!
Totally inconsistent. I’m either asleep by 8-10 pm and awake by 7-9 am or asleep by 6-7 am and awake by 3-4 pm. There is no in-between.

I can be both a night owl and a morning person depending on what’s required of me at the time.
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I need 7-9 hours a night, so I generally try to go to bed between 9-10pm. Doesn't always happen, but it's the goal.

I'm not a morning person, either. It takes me a while to get going. I guess I'm more of a middle of the day person. :)

I always say I'm part cat, so I need lots of naps.
I've always been a night owl, I try and get to sleep before 4am now but I used to stay up all the time until around 8am. I usually wake up around 11am-12pm.
At one point last year, my sleep schedule in May-June was 12 am to 10 or 11 am.
During quarantine, my sleep schedule was 11pm-6am or later.
But now its quarter to 10 to 6 am or something.
Are you a night owl? A morning person? Both? Do you go to bed early, or late, etc?

I'm absolutely a late night person myself, and I hate early mornings. My sleeping schedule has always been kind of chaotic, though recently I find myself up during the odd morning hours, sometimes not sleeping until 6 a.m. or so, and being up around or shortly after lunch. I was diagnosed with a sleeping disorder in high school but according to a much more recent diagnosis it's actually PTSD.

Ahh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that 😟 It's never easy dealing with things that affect your life in some way. I have anxiety and my spine is damaged at the moment so I know how hard it can be to sleep. When I'm super anxious or in pain, I usually will not sleep at all (which is usually all of the time) Just last night I had 3 hours of sleep.

My sleep schedule is so out of proportion though ever since the lockdown. I'm definitely more of an night owl though overall haha
I go to bed when I want to and wake up when I want to. Like, I'll wake up at 9 am whether I went to bed at midnight or like 2 am. Most nights I get 7.5 hours of sleep I think. But yeah, I can change my sleeping schedule to whatever without problem. I just can't sleep at all when I'm stressed.
Definitely go to bed at 1-2 am and wake up around 10am. I'm more of a night owl lol
Although that's gotta change to go to bed at 8 and waking up at 5 because of the school year starting this week-
I sleep when I either pass out and don't intend to or I start to get headaches from not getting enough sleep, time is of no consequence when I sleep though I prefer to sleep in the morning while other people in the household are awake so that I'm awake when they're asleep and essentially have the house to myself with some overlap in the evening.
fall asleep somewhere around 3 then wake at 4, it's more like taking short naps nowadays since volleyball has started
I sleep at 1 or 2 most of time and wake up at like 7 or 8 for no reason
I sleep at like 4 when theres a comeback that day and barely sleep
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I sleep when I either pass out and don't intend to or I start to get headaches from not getting enough sleep, time is of no consequence when I sleep though I prefer to sleep in the morning while other people in the household are awake so that I'm awake when they're asleep and essentially have the house to myself with some overlap in the evening.

This was kinda what I did when I was very depressed and living with my family, who just made said depressed state worse
This was kinda what I did when I was very depressed and living with my family, who just made said depressed state worse
Eh I'm not the most jovial person, but it's more about avoiding noise than avoiding people for me. I like to watch television or play video games in relative silence to hear them not the people around me and since I have particular issue focusing on media when people are talking and not so much issue with background noise it's easier to do things I want to at night when they're asleep.
Night owl here 🦉 Don't like going to bed early or waking up early 😖
I sleep any time past midnight!
I have chronic insomnia and have since I was 7 or 8 yrs old. I take 2 very strong pills- my large husband takes a third of one and is dead to the world- and I will get around 3-4 hours of intermittent sleep. Sometimes as much as 5 hrs (woo hoo lol). As for when I go to bed, it really doesn’t matter, I just follow my husband’s lead. Usually around 10pm on weeknights and midnight on weekends.