Senior Member
Conan Is A Boomer
where do you go to find this meme being used? I must be living under a rock because I've never heard of it before reading this thread lol (and I'm on the internet every single day). sounds like just another variation of sure, jan.
It’s weird.
As someone from the Millennial generation (I was born in 1993), I think the boomers (and Gen Xers) have a point. The millennials are causing problems. But I wouldn’t stereotype the whole generation. However, I blame their problems on the older generations for how they raised them, and other stuff. Maturity? Bad parenting may have caused it. Debt? Employers have devalued Bachelors, and administrators in college are being overpaid. Laziness? It’s hard for them to get a job because of high expectations of education and lack of job openings.
I like the idea of shading the type of close-minded people who get offended at all the wrong things
Yeah, I find it pretty funny how people get so annoyed about it lol. Especially since those people continuously say how overly-politically-correct things are these days. Oh how the tables have turned
anyone who says something like “These snowflakes are too sensitive nowadays” are just as sensitive to anything against them and are maybe even more annoying
So you're saying it's bad not to be a suck-up and actually live your life without caring about every single thing that is written and said? Like honestly I'd rather talk to some "boomer" person that I have more in common with than some youngster or just special snowflake who needs to educate me every second of the conversation.
Lol ok but my point was that these ppl are extremely hypocritical and thats what makes them way more annoying. Getting angry at ok boomer just proves it. Its funny how the people who say "snowflake" or whatever thats similar to it are actually annoyed by this because its the exact same thing