Variety.Gamer 4438
Always start again
I still don't understand it
So you're saying it's bad not to be a suck-up and actually live your life without caring about every single thing that is written and said? Like honestly I'd rather talk to some "boomer" person that I have more in common with than some youngster or just special snowflake who needs to educate me every second of the conversation.
first world problems. if someone saying ok boomer to you is what it takes to ruin your day, go back to bed. the geriatric crowd won't give you points for sticking it to social media. you're lumped in with us whether you like it or not. even jesus man told sky daddy ok boomer, so it's holy
No, I know good younger people I'm not saying everyone is bad but those who are loudest get the attention. But I don't think it's any more right for them to clank down on us because those people can't take a single thing you say to them. Go out and live in the real world for a day and you will hopefully get some skin on your nose.
And a lot of this "special snowflake tumblrina" generation think the only acceptable way to live online is to educate yourself every second you sit online and if you don't know any terminology when it comes to eg. lgbtq+ issues or just anything those are extremely knowledgeable of. And same with memes apparently lol.
I'll re-direct anyone to Envy's post some pages back that is excellent reading, but I think a lot of younger people just use this in defense just because they are so "woke and educated" and they think old people are trash views lots of times.
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Yeah I'm just saying all those "young and superior" people that uses this is incredibly not knowledgeable at all in the end and are probably those that hang around meme sites and social media accounts that posts things that are "incredibly funny" like this.
No, I'm proud to be old, I'm just pointing to the hypocrite use.