What's your town name and why?

My town is named Arcadia; I thought it sounded pretty cool. Plus I like video games, and games can be affiliated with arcades...Arcadia. (I just pulled that explanation out of nowhere, I just named my town that because it sounded cool (x )
Because I like how it sounds when someone says something gurgles.
I just like the word and meaning and sound of gurgling water. And stuff. :p
in city folk it's Village. my sister made that town even though i was the one who played the most lol... idk why she choose it tbh it's kinda sucky

in new leaf it's Cool because idk i like the word cool, i am cool, i like cool stuff and nothing else came to mind when i made my town.
Pinkpaws because pink is my favorite color, neighbors are animals so paws. And it's a tautogram so I thought it sounded cute
My main town is named Hamelin after the city of the same name from Ni no Kuni and my secondary town is named Pandora after the Planet where the first two Borderlands games take place. : )

You have excellent gaming tastes.

I named my first town Balamb because I was bummed Daguerreo was one letter too long. Dunno why...I don't even like Final Fantasy VIII, but FFIX is amazing.

My other town is Bunifrey (big thanks to my fianc? for that one) since I made it as a tribute to my rabbit, Bun Bun, who passed away last year. And I'm also a big Whovian, so Bun Bun + Galifrey = Bunifrey.
Konoha, not because I like Naruto but because I thought it would fit since I planned on hiding my village in trees/leaves (which I have now accomplished.
My towns name is Shire based on the lord of the rings series. My flag is the ring from lord of the rings with a black background. Lord of the rings is my favorite movie series so I just couldn't resist having my town called shire. Maybe for the next game in the series I will name my town Rivendale or maybe even Gotham from the batman series cause I really like batman as well.
Mine is Florence because Italy is my favorite country, and I wish I could go there. And also, I looove how the name so much for a town!
I contemplated mine for longer than I should have. I named my town Rosedale because it's part of the name of the street that I actually live on but I began to notice how sort of common this name was. My second option was to somehow use the second part of the name of the street / suburb I live but unfortunately none of them fit and therefore I chose Rosedale because it was cute.
I named my town Melodia because melody, the word which I named my town after, is derived from the Greek word 'melos' meaning "song." I pictured my town being a happy, upbeat place, when I first made my town, which led to the creation of the name Melodia! :)
In my New Leaf town it's 3DVille because I couldn't come up with anything. I regret naming it that but I've spent too much time on it to reset it.
In my GameCube AC town it's Morioh because I'm a huge JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan and it was the only name I could think of that would fit.
My town's name is Star because my mayor's name and almost all of my usernames for everything is Lucky so Lucky Star and idk it was a good anime
Hell, because every time you enter it it says 'Welcome to Hell' and isabelle greets me every day w/ how the weather is in hell
My town name is Bristol because that's the actual town I live in :p Yea, uncreative I know.
Galifrey. even though the correct spelling is Gallifrey there isn't enough spaces >:\ and of course it's after one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life, the home of the Timelords and origin of The Doctor of Doctor Who <3