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When you don't care much for a Villager...


🎃Wishing TBT Best Autumn Blessings🍁
Feb 28, 2020
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I have Fuchsia on my island. I thought her design was interesting and I thought the Uchi personality reflected her. But honestly I don't care for her as much as I thought I would??
:LOL: The challenge of knowing yourself...:LOL:
I was curious if others have experienced things like this. I also wanted to know, when you don't care much for a Villager on your island, how long does it typically take for you to know if they will grow on you or if you simply just don't care for them? And what are your general stories of liking/disliking villagers you did not expect?


I had Beardo on my past island without choice lol and of course, like many people, I thought I would not like him at all. However I love him now. Fuchsia I feel is a different story because I at least find her cute from the get-go. Beardo took like a month or 2 before I liked him.
Uchi wise, I also had Sylvia before and liked her more than I thought I would.. And Canberra I didn't like as much as I thought I would but I still like her. I realized these in 2 weeks. So far I still like both more than Fuchsia. I've had Fuchsia for about 2 weeks.

Maybe I am just stuck on the fact that I really like Shari but want to meet other Uchi's too.
i got maddie as a starter peppy on my first island and i had never seen her before
i thought she was basic but i invited her anyway then i ended up loving her so much 💕

or once i got merengue and tia, i thought i'd like them since a lot of people do but i ended up hating both of them so much

there's probably more because even though i get attached to a lot of villagers, i do go through a lot haha
so i'll be back if i can remember anyone else lol
I got Sherb as one of my first 6 villagers and I like him way more than I thought I would. I never thought he would be a contender for my permanent lazy but now he is.
I expected like Lucky more. I loved him in new leaf. I keep kicking him out of my town and bringing him back. I just kicked him yesterday and already I’m going to try and bring him back.

Raymond. I thought I really wanted him, but when I actually had him, I couldn’t get attached and so I let him go. I haven’t regretted, I’m ok with not having him anymore.

Barold. I tested him out at fist and I loved him. It’s weird, but he grows in you. I kicked him out impulsively and I’m thinking about him coming back.

Kiki I brought in thinking I Would love her and I don’t. I recently replaced her with Agnes, and it’s a much better match.

To me I don’t know, I just know when I connect with them. When I saw Nan, Rodeo, Roscoe and Raddle, I know I loved them and i
typically after just seeing them on my island a bit and talking to them a couple times I can figure out if I dislike them or not.
that being said, I hated Phil from the beginning because he was my forced camper and I absolutely didn't want him to move in. and the longer he stayed, the more I hated him.
In previous games I've always loved Apple and so I was *so* excited to move her onto my island, with the intention of her being one of only two absolutely permanent villagers, but I ended up letting her go because I just didn't like her as much as I did in previous games.
I moved Beau in and ending up getting way more emotionally attached to him than I thought I would! I always saw him watering flowers around the island and just thought it was the cutest thing. I have since let him go but I'm not opposed to bringing him back.
in NH I've found myself getting attached to villagers I very rarely paid attention to previously, and I've just moved in Maggie who I honestly did not even know existed but I absolutely love her!
The main one I had who grew on me was Coach. I grabbed him because I needed a jock, but I thought he was a bit boring. But the longer I had him around, the more I liked him. I made up a backstory in my head that he was a retired professional coach who wanted to retire to a quite island life, but could never fully give up his coach-like attitude. I had him for months before letting him go!

But, otherwise, it's less about not liking a villager as much as I expected as it is about getting bored. Originally I had full plans to keep permanent villagers... until I realized, after a few months, even my top favorite villagers feel... blah. Once I lose that "Oh, look! It's Dobie/Ursala/Julia/etc.!" feeling I know it's about time they can move out. I recently got that feeling with Julia, after 6 1/2 months, and I'm starting to get it with Vic after several months. On the other hand, I recently got Judy and Raymond, and I'm still in the "YAY! Look who it is! They're so cute!" phase with them (in particular, I still get a goofy smile when I see Raymond- I know it's cliched, but I adore his design so much, and his house looks PERFECT next to Savannah's... seriously, they couldn't be a better fit). Same with Mac and Bonbon, who I got even more recently (by which I mean yesterday, lol- I bought Bonbon off someone on here, then the day she moved in, got Mac as a random camper and I'd been wanting him for awhile).
Still, I know that after awhile that feeling will fade. And then it's time to move someone new in!
The main one I had who grew on me was Coach. I grabbed him because I needed a jock, but I thought he was a bit boring. But the longer I had him around, the more I liked him. I made up a backstory in my head that he was a retired professional coach who wanted to retire to a quite island life, but could never fully give up his coach-like attitude. I had him for months before letting him go!

But, otherwise, it's less about not liking a villager as much as I expected as it is about getting bored. Originally I had full plans to keep permanent villagers... until I realized, after a few months, even my top favorite villagers feel... blah. Once I lose that "Oh, look! It's Dobie/Ursala/Julia/etc.!" feeling I know it's about time they can move out. I recently got that feeling with Julia, after 6 1/2 months, and I'm starting to get it with Vic after several months. On the other hand, I recently got Judy and Raymond, and I'm still in the "YAY! Look who it is! They're so cute!" phase with them (in particular, I still get a goofy smile when I see Raymond- I know it's cliched, but I adore his design so much, and his house looks PERFECT next to Savannah's... seriously, they couldn't be a better fit). Same with Mac and Bonbon, who I got even more recently (by which I mean yesterday, lol- I bought Bonbon off someone on here, then the day she moved in, got Mac as a random camper and I'd been wanting him for awhile).
Still, I know that after awhile that feeling will fade. And then it's time to move someone new in!
Maybe I just find Fuchsia boring compared to other Uchis I've met and liked. That could be it.
I love Vic btw. :)
Rodeo. I got Rodeo as a random move in on my second island. I didn’t think I would like him as much as I do. Eventually I will let him go after I get his picture but I like having him around more then I thought I would.
there have been a couple times i think i got my hands on a dreamy but only to find out weeks later that they cant leave fast enough

one was sherb, dont get me wrong he is very cute (especially his photo) but his face is just so low on his head and it looks funky to me. didnt help at the time i had about five lazies on my island. thought he would stay for a long time but when he asked to leave after getting his photo i couldn't list him on nookazon fast enough

another was drift, i love the frogs and so when he popped up at my campsite i was like "sure ill take him!" but after he moved in i just...forgot he was even on the island? when purrl showed up and asked to move him out i let her even though i didnt get his photo yet
Most of my unexpected surprises with villagers have been ones that I thought I'd be indifferent two that I have since come to love. When I was island hopping during the first couple of months of the game I wasn't fully sure on all the villagers I wanted so when I saw Raymond and Judy on mystery islands I decided to take them as they were new. I thought I'd have them for a bit on my island while I found some other villagers and then let them go but I've grown really attached to both of them so they're both still here. Diana is another one that I wasn't sure about, I'd never been interested in having her on the previous games but I was running out off tickets when I found her so I invited her over and have fallen in love with her, I think she has a really pretty design and I'm a fan off the snooty personality.

There haven't been many villagers that I thought I'd like that I wasn't really keen on but while playing NH I was sure I'd want Marina as a permanent villager as she had been one of my favourites in past games and while I enjoyed having her on my island I didn't feel as attached to her as I thought I was and was happy enough to let her leave.
I never liked Sheep villagers before. But after having Frita as my starting villager and Curlos as my forced smug villager, my opinion on them changed. Also probably because they looked better on NH now.
I remember being pretty bummed when Colton was my mandatory campsite villager but I actually grew to love him! I loved how he enjoyed his fancy clothes and though that his house suited him. I kept him around for a while but eventually let him move out when I found Sherb who I thought was cuter.

I find that there are some villagers that I just never vibe with. I think if you’ve given them a fair chance (whether that’s one week, two, or a whole month is up to you) but still don’t like then then there’s no point in making them stay. There are so many villagers available, I’m sure there’s one out there that’s a better match!

I know some people will keep a villager until they get a picture from them but I’ve never been super picky about that. It’s all up to you and how you want to play.
oh we are also taking about ones we'd thought we'd dislike? lol i have a couple of those too

first one was purrl. i remember the thinking that she just looked like a generic cat villager, but when she came to my campsite i surprisingly got attached to her

same with merengue and tia, i thought they were cute when i first saw them but i didnt think id really want to keep them on my island, but now merengue has been on sleeptime for over three months now and tia just moved in, but shes grown on me a lot
A while back when I had just started out with the game, I invited Dom onto my island from an island hop. I was super excited to have one of the new villagers, and I thought he was adorable... Turns out, we just didn't vibe at all. I also I don't really like the jocks, so that might have being a big part of the problem. I let him stay for around a month to see if I would start to really like him, but it just didn't happen, so I kicked him off after about a month.
I had Ruby for a bit and she was adorable and all but the peppy villager dialogue in this game is... a lot (lol) and I already had Bella and she fits my goth island better. So I ended up letting her move out. I'm starting to think about letting Marshal go as well; even though I ended up liking him more than I thought I would, he also doesn't really fit my island theme as much as I'd like.

I dunno, at the moment I'm really only attached to the 8 I already amiibo'd in and I'm just kinda hoping the mystery islands/campsite will toss the perfect last two villagers at me at some point.
For the longest time, I had trouble bonding with normal villagers. I just couldn't. Even though I'd enjoyed having them in my towns in WW and NL. Now, though, I like a lot of them for how they look but, personality-wise, they are so bland that I eventually parted ways with most of them. Cute normals like Goldie and Coco. Then Lolly happened. I wasn't expecting anything different but Lolly surprised me. She seemed to fit normal, if that makes any sense. And, unlike the normals I had before, Lolly actually offered more interesting dialogue. I fell in love with Lolly. She's probably never leaving my island.

On the other hand, I've never liked lazy animals before NH. So I surprised myself when I warmed up to Claude, who was among my first 5 original residents and who is the only one left and will remain for as long as I play. The constant bug talk doesn't bother me. (I spent a year photographing a lot of bugs for my 365 project some 8-9 years ago. Bugs are very interesting!) After a while, I had it in my head that lazy villagers are really ex-super secret agents in disguise. They're retired, but they can't talk about the work they used to do, so they talk in circles about bugs and the stuff that they used to do that got them into trouble. All allusions to their previous life as super secret agents.

It's been a fun ride. Every AC game is different and fun for me, I think, because I'm sort of a different person at different points in my own life. I bring my own different experiences and expectations to the game. And, because of that, somewhat naturally, I find that my own previously held opinions have to change. 🤪
It's weird how you get attached to the villagers. I got Flora and didn't like her as much. Preferred Gladys or another bird. But after two months, waiting for her to ask to move out, I suddenly can't let her go. When she wiggles her little feathered tail, and when she moves her cute little round head, I just cant.

On the other hand, I got Marina, and thought I'd like her, because she looks like a plastic toy pet. Nope, didn't like her. She's really cute though.
I originally did not care for my OGs Buck and Hazel, but over time, I grew to love them, ESPECIALLY Hazel. With that said though, I am still planning on letting them leave at the one year mark, so I'm ready for some other villagers :)