Where do you keep your money?

Rolled up in a jewelry box on my table. I need to buy a safe lol. The rest, just on my card that I "hide" until I need it.

It is a locked box that will protect anything inside from burning; they are very handy for any important paperwork. The larger ones go for around $80-100.
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I get paid in cash for my part time so I put that in a box in monthly envelopes and keep track of spending. Online banking in my country is soo troublesome that I prefer using cash anyways. The rest is in my bank.
All of my money goes in the bank, because I have direct deposit checks on two different jobs going there. If I have cash (usually coins for laundry lol) they go in a little jar on my shelf labeled "Sand Dollars" that I got for my birthday a couple years ago <3
I don't have money - all either goes to cleaning the bill, bank account of a couple people who I'm affording, or turns to the foods and clothes for fam. So, all the bucks for the month are in my purse!
Someone always calls me as a blue collar. Meaning, work - paid - spend - no money - work again! - paid - spend - (repeats forever)
I either keep it in the bank or in my wallet if it’s just a couple dollar or five dollar bills. :)
in the bank, i don't carry much cash around anymore, only exception is if i get tips from work but i'll usually try and spend that first or otherwise i'll forget about it in a pocket or a nook in my bag
bank, i try not to carry money around w me because im always scared im going to drop it (even though i never have??).

contactless cards and apple pay are the devil for me, its like you're not even spending real money and they add up real fast
I keep my money in the piggy bank my grandmother made for me when I was little. c:
In me mattress!

Lol Nox if someone robs your house when you aren't there, that's one of the first typical places they look. That and sock drawers and jewelry boxes, which is why I purposely avoid putting important papers in there.
I just keep all my money in some random drawer in my room, obviously if someone Robbed my house I’d lose all of it lmao
Lol Nox if someone robs your house when you aren't there, that's one of the first typical places they look. That and sock drawers and jewelry boxes, which is why I purposely avoid putting important papers in there.
Hopefully though don’t set it in a junk yard with a angry guard worm.
I keep mine in an ABD down at the post office, heh.

srsly tho, you can deposit cash into your bank account 24x7 these days at most ATMs, and its instantly credited to your account. so you can bank on your time if your schedule is too hectic to visit during lobby hours....
It's not that my schedule is hectic, it's anythin but. The problem is my hours vary too often for me to be able to put regular amounts of money into an account in a regular period of time.
i have a bank account (savings for a car), my wallet, and a jar beside my bed (for a new laptop mine is dying by the minute)

wait is this just a ploy for us to tell you where are money is so when you break in you just have to go to our money piles!?
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It's not that my schedule is hectic, it's anythin but. The problem is my hours vary too often for me to be able to put regular amounts of money into an account in a regular period of time.

How come this stops you from having a bank account though?? I’m just curious because I’ve been in similar situations where my hours would vary as well. Heck, I was even without a job for 6 months at one point so my account had no cash coming in for that period of time. I understand some banks have certain requirements you must meet, like a steady income, etc, but a lot of banks waive those requirements for certain people, or have none at all.
I personally can’t imagine not having a bank account! It makes managing money sooo much easier, especially banks that have mobile apps. I can see how much money we have exactly at any point in time, and keep track of how much we spend. It makes paying bills online and online shopping easy as well.