i have a bank account (savings for a car), my wallet, and a jar beside my bed (for a new laptop mine is dying by the minute)
wait is this just a ploy for us to tell you where are money is so when you break in you just have to go to our money piles!?
Poor laptop. Lol no this was supposed to be an advice thread for those who keep money in other places but my wording didn't make it come out like that.
When I first started working (9 or 10 months ago), my hours were EXTREMELY varying. When I officially got hired, I didn't work in that department for a straight week. Then I got called in to watch some videos before you go into the department. Then I remember not going back to work for days. There would be weeks where I would only work 1 day a week. This happened for like a straight month atleast. Just when I -thought- I got more hours, maybe 2 or 3 days a week, I would go back down to 1. My hours for the month of February have been steady, 3 days a week, but when there's no big bakery holiday my hours are real slim. I never made enough in the begining to manage a bank account. Idk the requirements for the bank I'm eventually going to use, but if it's like 'you gotta desposit 100$ monthly', that would be a little hard for me.
Plus at this point in my life, I've grown very accustomed to being able to physically count my money, I don't like the idea of my money being a number on a screen.
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