Where do you want to live?

In the UK, it would be Wales. Have great memories of going on holiday there when I was a kid, had an amazing summer with my cousins. Since then I've gone back several times just for a day trip or stayed over a couple of days. Have never had any yearning to go to places with hot weather, I much prefer the cooler weather. Plus I used to love going for a walk in the countryside over there. The mountains are just beautiful, although driving around with the cliffs edge right next to you is a bit nerve racking...

For a different country, if I ever got the opportunity I would love to go to Iceland. A small country with a small population but it's just beautiful. I've been there only once, on a school trip of all things, for 5 days. Could have just stayed there
Certain parts of Australia really appeal to me as well, but the heat over there and the insects means that probably would never be realistic. My step grandmother has a fighter who moved over there and she loves it, so I may be able to go over and stay with them for a holiday at some point, see what it's like
i love canada but i wish it wasn't so cold lmao, maybe british columbia since it's warmer over there (but expensive yikes)
My ideal place to live in a place where there are no traffic jams, small population, breach front, etc. something like that, so I guess Islands, Hawaii, Seychelles, Virgin Islands would be the perfect place.
My ideal place to live in a place where there are no traffic jams, small population, breach front, etc. something like that, so I guess Islands, Hawaii, Seychelles, Virgin Islands would be the perfect place.

Hawaii has traffic jams, but it's mostly in and around Honolulu.

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I want to live in New Zealand, it's close to Australia and the Polynesian islands (it's in Polynesia itself), it has a perfect climate (for me), it's an island country, the seasons change (I love fall), and it's beautiful.
I live on Oahu right now, which is paradise. I'll be leaving in two years though. After that I'm planning on living in Florida.
Somewhere quiet (not TOO quiet), where there is a city nearby in case I need anything, but not being stuck in the middle of it. Somewhere were cost of living isn't so high (Florida isn't a place to come up, it's a place to settle when you already have money...), and peaceful enough to raise a child or two.
Where would I want to live? That is a really good question that comes with even more questions. I think it depends on where I am in life, if I have kids, if I have a good job. Where am I? Am I looking into this too deeply?

If I were to have a family, I'd like to possibly stay in the United States, possibly mid-state New York. I don't know why exactly, just seems like a nice place to raise a family. Somewhere open to same-sex couples as I am gay and would be married to a woman. I need people around me who will accept my children and my whole family. It's a big deal.

If it were just me and my wife, I'd love to actually not be locked down. I would want to be traveling constantly. So, not a permanent address, but quite possibly an RV! How exciting would that be.... Maybe a movable tiny home.

A girl can dream
Hawaii or California.But mostly Hawaii though,its far.It's warm.The streets are lined with torches on fire at the top instead of street lamps.The 7/11's have Japanese foods like riceballs and bentos instead of hotdogs,pizzas,and such.The water there at the beach is beautiful.The air is also clear,and I have 0 allergies there.To be surrounded by nature,it's beautiful.

There are street lamps in Hawaii.

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Definitely not where I live now. Probably Canada, UK or some place in the US with a colder climate. My mom said I'm eligible for a Japanese citizenship until I turn 21, but I don't think I'll be able to get one by then (in 2 years). Plus, I don't think Japan is a place I want to live in, at all.
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Canada and get citizenship there because then i won't have to worry about Trumpy anymore
in america, i like washington dc (but! it's so expensive!! ;;; its bc that's where all our rich white male senators live ;;; ) and san francisco! abroad, i'd love to try australia or japan! i've never been to australia, but i would love to try it out, and i've lived for a little bit in japan with my family there, and i love the overall vibe and uniformity and cleanliness :blush:
Not the tropics cause I hate the heat. Maybe somewhere like where I am now but more North to escape the heat that still hits the Midwest of America
realistically, probably california. for the nice weather and still on the west coast c: if i had better resources, probably japan. somewhere outside of tokyo so it's not too expensive.
Goddamn this thread is old ...

Probably in a small town somewhere. Somewhere in Canada.