Which bothers you most?

Which commonly occurring accident bothers you most?

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Jul 29, 2020
Tasty Cake
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Tasty Cake
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So uh... as we are all aware.... we can all very easily do ANY of these things....

which one makes you most uncomfortable? which ones make you wanna throw your switch out the window? (hehe. only i would do that tbh)

Personally, I absolutely C A N N O T S T A N D friking up something I just terraformed. The reason why terraforming takes FOREVER is because it's sooooo easy to destroy what you JUST created. It's incredibly irritating - especially if you're already having a bad day. One time I was terraforming and I was messing up more than usual and istg I would've thrown my switch off my front porch if I'd had just a smidge less self-control
I thought this was going to turn into another rant thread before I saw that the poll is specifically asking for common accidents. :LOL:

Out of the ones in the poll, probably scaring off the rare bug. Happened to me a few times with the beetles in July because I run everywhere, and I am very glad that I managed to catch at least one of each by the end of the month...
i hate it when i break my slingshot on a balloon because i'll tell myself i gotta buy a new one but i'll instantly forget and another balloon will come and i won't have a slingshot

i also find it annoying when i go to pick up something but i pick the flower i'm next to even if i'm not facing the flower

it's amazing how peaceful yet frustrating this game is 😅
For me the most frustrating thing is accidentally picking a flower or accidentally shaking a fruit tree and making it drop the fuit. My flowers and fruit trees are there for decoration so it annoys me when they get messed up.
For me the most frustrating thing is accidentally picking a flower or accidentally shaking a fruit tree and making it drop the fuit. My flowers and fruit trees are there for decoration so it annoys me when they get messed up.
ooof. thats a big one for me too. : P
I would like to update my answer to "trying to pick up furniture while standing on a tile that has flowers and picking the flowers instead" because that happens to me far too often. And then I have to do the walk of shame to the nearest trash can or dropoff box, feels bad :LOL:
The bugs, the bugs. I was totally caught up on the bugs the first few months I played and then there were so many tree bugs and I kept running down the beach instead of walking slowly up the beach and scared many of them away. Plus, the Atlas Moth. It is pretty well camouflaged and I rarely notice it in time. And just this morning I scared off what might have been a Goliath Beetle. Ugh. Bugs.
Indvertently hitting one of my islanders on the head instead of starting a conversation still bothers me, but I hardly do it anymore because I make sure to unequip my net first. What gets my goat these days is fishing up a stone.

I mean, really? Fishing up a stone? Who fishes up stones? How does a stone get impaled on a fishing hook? How do stones even move like fish? Why does a stone have the shadow of a fish? COME ON. 😩😬
Scaring off a rare bug is what gets me the most these days. When I was playing on one of my good islands last Summer, I can’t even begin to tell you how often I scared off a rare bug, like the scarab beetle. I’m definitely gonna have fun again trying to catch those critters once more on my new island next Summer. (Not...) 😆
The terraforming is aggravating for me as well because I'm getting a lot of joycon drift. So I'll make something, then turn to make something else, but my joycon has other ideas. And I end up knocking down the thing I just made. I wish there were separate buttons for building vs destroying.
Of those, probably the bugs. That, and when I was trying to hunt down maple leaves, missing them and having them disappear.

I feel like I was pretty good at catching tarantulas when the game first came out, but now I seem to have gotten decidedly worse. And it's really frustrating to scare off rare beetles, etc. It's less of an issue with the bug variety available at the moment in the Northern Hemisphere, but still irritating.

Hitting animals with nets accidentally can be annoying, but I've gotten better about just unequipping my tools before talking to my neighbors to avoid that issue.

The other one not on the list that bugs me is shooting balloons into the water. I realized when balloon farming a couple of weeks ago that I often fire my slingshot to turn my gaze upwards, rather than just using the right stick to tilt the camera. My favorite position along my eastern shore is one where if I happen to hit a balloon, it'll bounce into the water. I managed to do just that with two balloons in two days. I'm trying to be more careful now (plus, I'm recovering from balloon farming until the Christmas recipes get going), but it was incredibly irritating when I had spent hours farming balloons already without success in finding some of the recipes I needed.
It's definitely terraforming for me. I lost count of how many times I've had to do rework on my cliffs and empty areas. I mean I'd work on it one day, fall in love with what I made and then the next I just get bored of it so I end up having to remove it all over again. It's like I'm never satisfied at the end of the day. My villagers keep me sane though. XD
Slingshot and balloon for me. It always just turns into a speedrun of gathering 5 hardwood and running to a crafting bench before it blows away.
At first I said beetles but that doesn't make me as mad as terraforming woes with ramps and bridges.

When I first tried to lay down a ramp, it lead down to my secret beach. The secret beach has rocks which do not mix well. So I fought with the message, "you can't place it here! It's dangerous" x10.

Takes a lot of problem solving to make the ramp and bridges work when things don't work out initially because I don't want a kit living in my inventory, lol.
Having to let a villager move out before the new one bothers asking. I've heard that new villagers can move out even though no other villager had left after them, but I have yet to see this myself.
God I hate so many of these...but for me not hitting the rock 8 times is the worst. Once I got out of position really bad and couldn’t fix myself quickly enough, and only got 2 stones out of one of them :/
I voted for scaring off the rare bugs because I struggled with that last summer. However, not getting 8 hits on a rock is also right up there. Especially because it always seems to be the money rock that won’t give me 8 hits.
all of those are definitely irritating but for me personally, it’s a tie between scaring off a fish before it bites, scaring off a rare bug and being without a slingshot when a balloon spawns :/.

as someone who has never handled failure well, accidentally scaring off a bug or fish really bothers me and leaves me kicking myself for the rest of the day; i want to be good at everything i do and so, even something as trivial as pressing the A button too early or not being mindful of my surroundings enough to notice a rare bug is incredibly frustrating to me lmao.

in regards to the balloon one, being without a slingshot whenever one spawns once again leaves me with a sense of failure but also makes me feel like i’m missing something important; even though the chances of it being bells, materials or furniture is incredibly high, i can’t stop myself from thinking that i missed out on something valuable, such as a seasonal diy or clothing that i haven’t yet catalogued, which makes me feel pretty crappy, too. 🥴