I've frikin' LEFT the forum :D bye!! won't miss ya
So uh... as we are all aware.... we can all very easily do ANY of these things....
which one makes you most uncomfortable? which ones make you wanna throw your switch out the window? (hehe. only i would do that tbh)
Personally, I absolutely C A N N O T S T A N D friking up something I just terraformed. The reason why terraforming takes FOREVER is because it's sooooo easy to destroy what you JUST created. It's incredibly irritating - especially if you're already having a bad day. One time I was terraforming and I was messing up more than usual and istg I would've thrown my switch off my front porch if I'd had just a smidge less self-control
which one makes you most uncomfortable? which ones make you wanna throw your switch out the window? (hehe. only i would do that tbh)
Personally, I absolutely C A N N O T S T A N D friking up something I just terraformed. The reason why terraforming takes FOREVER is because it's sooooo easy to destroy what you JUST created. It's incredibly irritating - especially if you're already having a bad day. One time I was terraforming and I was messing up more than usual and istg I would've thrown my switch off my front porch if I'd had just a smidge less self-control