Which is more offensive? Family Guy, or South Park?

What show is more offensive?

  • Family Guy

    Votes: 20 28.6%
  • South Park

    Votes: 50 71.4%

  • Total voters
I’m pretty sure South Park is supposed to be a lot more offensive. As for quality, I can’t stand either, but Family Guy is bottom of the barrel television. I can’t believe it’s still on.
I really don’t enjoy Family Guy seasons 8 and onward. There are still plenty of funny moments here and there though.
I don't hate any of them, I love South Park and have done since I was a kid, and Family Guy is the perfect show to watch before bed when you don't want to watch anything too deep, lol.
I was never allowed to watch either as a kid, so I didn't vote. Judging off what I know of the shows though, I think that South Park is more offensive in its content. Family Guy seems to come across more of as potty or kid humour to me.

The only thing I know about Family Guy is that Louis and Liam from One Direction once had a speaking cameo on the show. The only part of Family Guy I've watched was the One Direction scene, and I have no idea why they were chosen to do it. Maybe some of the boys in the group liked the show and thought it'd be fun - and let's be honest, it does sound like a lot of fun to do a cameo for a famous show like that, no matter how good or bad it is - but I don't think your typical 1D fan is also a Family Guy fan? Just seemed like a weird crossover to me.
I've changed the thread title to better fit what you're actually asking.

I used to really enjoy both shows in my late teens/early 20s. South Park is definitely more offensive.
To me Family Guy lost its luster, but to answer the question South Park is more offensive lol
I know this is an old thread, but South Park is 100% more offensive. The 200 and 201 controversy happened because Matt and Trey (creators of South Park) were willing to depict Muhammad even if they could have been killed. Seth MacFarlane (creator of Family Guy) was asked this in an interview and said that even if you have a really funny joke, it's probably not worth getting killed over. On top of that, South Park also has episodes like Bloody Mary (a statue of Mary is seen bleeding out of her you know what), It Hits The Fan (the s word is said 162 times), and With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (which has multiple white characters using the n-word), but all of these instances happen for a reason (Bloody Mary is to show how you don't really need a miracle to cure alcoholism, you just need discipline. It Hits The Fan is saying how swear words are just words and don't have real power, and With Apologies to Jesse Jackson is showing a double standard by pointing out that if a word as offensive as the n-word existed for white people it would be outlawed). Family Guy doesn't do that as often, and a joke that's just a joke can only be so offensive before people would actually get mad, or at least before FOX wouldn't allow it.
I know this is an old thread, but South Park is 100% more offensive. The 200 and 201 controversy happened because Matt and Trey (creators of South Park) were willing to depict Muhammad even if they could have been killed. Seth MacFarlane (creator of Family Guy) was asked this in an interview and said that even if you have a really funny joke, it's probably not worth getting killed over. On top of that, South Park also has episodes like Bloody Mary (a statue of Mary is seen bleeding out of her you know what), It Hits The Fan (the s word is said 162 times), and With Apologies to Jesse Jackson (which has multiple white characters using the n-word), but all of these instances happen for a reason (Bloody Mary is to show how you don't really need a miracle to cure alcoholism, you just need discipline. It Hits The Fan is saying how swear words are just words and don't have real power, and With Apologies to Jesse Jackson is showing a double standard by pointing out that if a word as offensive as the n-word existed for white people it would be outlawed). Family Guy doesn't do that as often, and a joke that's just a joke can only be so offensive before people would actually get mad, or at least before FOX wouldn't allow it.
These episodes may have caused more controversy, but I felt that it’s gotten even more offensive since Season 17. Especially when Mr. Garrison became a Trump caricature. That’s where my judgment stands.
South Park by far is way more offensive! The whole show aims to be offensive, and targets anyone/anything out there, and puts on a crude, yet cleverly humorous preformance ♡
I didn't really know anything about either show when I originally voted. I was confused when I came here and saw I already voted. I just switched my vote to South Park because I've learned some things now, despite still not watching either.
Here’s another difference between how offensive Family Guy is and how offensive South Park is:
  • Family Guy - take any pop culture item or icon, and change the name of it to something more vulgar.
  • South Park - take some hot button issue from the news, and twist it to make it more outrageous.
It’s competition vs creativity.
i would have to say South Park most certainly. i do not often watch either, but in my opinion, the answer is obvious. Family Guy was created as a comedy show with offensive jokes, but South Park comes off more as a show especially intended to offend for the sake of comedy.
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Family Guy was created as a comedy show to make people laugh, with occasional offensive jokes, but South Parks whole premise is just being offensive as well as shock value, if i remember correctly.
South Park is more like a comedy show that also is extremely offensive, but its main goal is to make people laugh, like Family Guy. The way you described it sounds a lot more like Drawn Together, which is a different Comedy Central show and is honestly more offensive than South Park and Family Guy combined.
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I think South Park is more offensive natured. Family guys comes off more of a gross vibe rather than offensive natured impo.
And if I was to watch one, South Park is the choice for me.
I think South Park is more offensive. The humor in Family Guy can be compared to an immature 12-year-old boy who laughs at boob and butt jokes, while the, "humor", in South Park can be compared to someone making fun of innocent people for no reason, because they think that, "bullying is cool".
Oh I’m not sure actually I’ve only watched a few south parks and I’m not a fan.

I’ve never liked family guy I find it meh, I much rather watch American Dad