Which of these is more important to you?

Which is more important to you?

  • Family

    Votes: 24 35.3%
  • Friends

    Votes: 21 30.9%
  • Both!

    Votes: 21 30.9%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters
For me personally, family is the most important since I've been blessed with a family that loves me unconditionally and is truly there for me whenever I need it :) , but I realize that is not the case for everyone so it definitely depends on the situation a given person is in to know which is important and also who you fall in love with also can affect how people view these 2 aspects of life. I know that the latter has been the case for me! ;)
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family. its the reason why im alive and live a comfortable life. my parents will do anything for me, they'll literally die for me. i cant say the same for friends.
family. its the reason why im alive and live a comfortable life. my parents will do anything for me, they'll literally die for me. i cant say the same for friends.

Friends come and go and its usually one friend that might stay loyal after the years past. But Family will always be there for you.
family duh
i dont have friends irl, because its hard to find one who has something in common with me.
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If we're using the definitions of family as blood relations and friends as people you meet and build relationships with, then definitely friends. That being said, I have a blood relative I consider a fantastic friend, and a non-related person I consider my family.

I don't value relationships where the only reason the relationship exists is because of blood relations and not mutual respect and enjoying each others company. (To re-iterate though, I do have blood relatives who I respect and enjoy the company of, just not very many)
I kinda disagree, but that's because I don't believe family bonds are that important imo. If you get a child you should raise it good or you shouldn't have one really. I don't believe they are body, soul or stuff like you put it, some people are good and some are bad. Also why should you "eat" or get fed by the bad bodies in this case.

I agree. I do not think family bonds should have so much importance on them. Some friends are nicer than family. Some family are nicer than friends. It?s not really a competition. Family shouldn?t have more importance on them just because they are of blood relation. You should not have to feel obligated to respect your family simply just because they are family. Not every family is supportive.

Haha I think the base concept is different.
The body I say has nothing to do with bond ( being liking each other ) or being supportive. What I mean is, so, you're not living only by your soul/what's making you be you as in personality. You have the other thing that's making you be current you - body/physical you. Any parts of it are inheritance from someone in your flesh and blood. Your eyes, your hair, your organs, limbs, everything.

I don't think they have to be being "supportive", I don't, at all. Honestly, I feel the concept that's seemingly popular/common among good chunk of people in this forum ( or maybe outside of Asia? ) kinda odd. As in, why? why you guys think, as though they're supposed to be "supportive"? They gave you life. It's already something.
Plus, where do you live in? In the house you're paying off all on your own? Who is/was paying for your school? Makes the dinner? Cleans the bathroom, does all other chores to maintain the life stay healthy? Unless you're affording all by your own and doing all those chores to maintain by yourself, they're already "supportive" to you, by giving you those conditions that you can sit and have time to enjoy company with people or do your own things I guess? :confused:

Also it doesn't have to be "them" but it can be "you", who "supports". Why it has to be just them always??

So. That's how I see genetic family as. Mine was never ever - waaaaaay far from - supportive either. But body is one of the things that's making me be me, along with personality. That way, family is body, while friends are soul. ;)
As someone who was born to entrap someone in a marriage and almost killing my mom at birth, I've only really known resentment. I've taken care of myself as soon as I was able to because I'd be homeless if I didn't. Then, after that, I'm told I can't see who I want to see because they're not on-par with their standards?

I understand your point, but everyone has their reasons and support doesn't mean the same to everyone.
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As someone who was born to entrap someone in a marriage and almost killing my mom at birth, I've only really known resentment. I've taken care of myself as soon as I was able to because I'd be homeless if I didn't. Then, after that, I'm told I can't see who I want to see because they're not on-par with their standards?

I understand your point, but everyone has their reasons and support doesn't mean the same to everyone.

You may have known but I was in horrific family situation as well, abuse and violence, during my childhood, where I had to get away from them despite age at 16 'cause or else I knew I wouldn't be able to be alive until I'm a grownup. On that base, still I see them that way. So, I guess perspective depends on personality and that's just how I feel, esque. I don't think something should be same to everyone either. But I'm kind of fed up with "too demanding" concept, which I see too often in these threads. *shrugs* Just that's all.
i love my family and i think they're important, but two of my friends are super close to me and i tell them more than i tell my family and feel more comfortable around them?
like, I love my parents and respect them, but I don't feel comfortable telling them a lot of things

so both in a sense, but I'd almost say friends???
if that makes sense lol

I'm sorry to hear that; and you're able to feel as you want about them as you know them of course.
I don't think anyone is owed anything in relationships; but when it comes to someone being put in the world by someone else; you'd figure they'd at least try to understand their feelings or communicate with them, seeing as how you're connected with them your whole life? Parents deserve a life too, but abuse, whether it's physical or emotional is not how you respond to someone. I'm sorry if it sounds as if I'm generalizing your feelings as well; that isn't/wasn't my intention.
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I'm sorry to hear that; and you're able to feel as you want about them as you know them of course.
I don't think anyone is owed anything in relationships; but when it comes to someone being put in the world by someone else; you'd figure they'd at least try to understand their feelings or communicate with them, seeing as how you're connected with them your whole life? Parents deserve a life too, but abuse, whether it's physical or emotional is not how you respond to someone. I'm sorry if it sounds as if I'm generalizing your feelings as well; that isn't/wasn't my intention.

Oh no no, generalizing is good thing when we discuss something. I'm really bad at that actually; So, that really helps.

> but when it comes to someone being put in the world by someone else; you'd figure they'd at least try to understand their feelings or communicate with them, seeing as how you're connected with them your whole life?

But yeah, that's exactly where base thoughts mine and other people are different I guess. I don't think they at least need to try to understand. 'Cause, even if they don't/didn't, it's possible to start it from my end - I can try to understand them. But that maybe depends on each person's personality, like I said.
I appreciate how rational you are. I'll try to sound not too offensive, and if I do so sorry;

That is a good point; when I've said that point I should of clarified communication as both parties understanding each other? I definitely think it shouldn't be one-sided.
There are certain instances however that either person just doesn't want to make an attempt. I tried hard for many years to establish something, but I just couldn't normalize such harmful behavior to themselves or me. Sorry for the vagueness; but I don't want to diverge too much from the topic!
And no worries, I don't take any offense. :)
You bring up valid points about preference and discuss them well.
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Family. For sure I know I can count on my mom and grandma 100% ( the rest aren?t really very supportive but they?re family and we all get along).
I have friends and colleagues but I don?t really consider any true friends so I can?t say I can count on them (or ask them to help me in any way).
This is actually great timing for this thread to be posted.
Family by a long shot. I've just never had many friends and honestly dating back as far as elementary school, I've had a lot of drama in my friendships, some of which has just recently been spewing (hence why I said what I stated above this). The truth is, many friends I've had over the years have backstabbed me and I'm currently dealing with that right now, unfortunately (although, I will say, the guy implicated in this current situation is probably one of the worst friends I've ever had). It's kind of ironic-because I always have had few friends, I tried to treasure the ones I did have, but many just simply weren't good, and it really does suck to have very few friends and the ones you do have aren't good ones.
My family may not be perfect, but at the end of the day, they've always been there for me, and I know that they'll never lead me no matter what. So yeah, family for sure.
you need both but for different reasons. Of course if your biological family sucks then friends can become family. :)
you need both but for different reasons. Of course if your biological family sucks then friends can become family. :)

You're forgetting that some people may not even know their biological families, as they could be adopted.
myself is the most important thing, and the second it just depends who i enjoy at the time. i'm moody, it changes several times a day.
I say 'family', but I guess I'm cheating a little in that because I consider my two closest friends family. One has been my best friend since 1995 and I consider her entire family as if they're my own - they've gone out of their way so much to help me over the years and I know I can forever rely on them. The other friend I've only known since October 2017 but it feels as if I've known him all my life - he's the person I hang out with most and even if we're not physically together we're probably chatting online or gaming. About two months after we met he also started gaming with my Dad regularly too which is probably how that line between 'friend' and 'family' started to blur. My mother calls him my twin despite the differences in gender, race, and age. 🙃

Although the reason I don't say friends instead is because I'm extremely close to my parents. I moved back in with them about two and a half years ago after six years of playing musical flats and since then I've never really been physically alone. If I'm not out with friends I'm bound to be with them: whether we're watching TV, playing games, cooking, etc. If I don't have plans to go out on a Friday/Saturday night I'm 99% likely to be having a couple of drinks with my parents - and I've been known to turn down social plans to stay in with them instead. 😅 I don't think we'd have had this type of relationship if it wasn't for the fact I didn't live with them for a long time. It changed the dynamic for the better.

TL;DR family - but I count family friends in that. :p