This was a really hard one, but purple bat potion. I love it to death, the bloodshot potion comes in a very close second. My only problem with the 2 new potions are the bats with no wings. I can see why though, the potions chemicals probably damaged or destroyed they're wings. Hehe.
I love all three but juuust a little bit like the swamp potion more. there are aspects of all of them that I prefer, like I feel like red looks great as the potion liquid, but the swamp potion's leaf and the fact that it's green put it over the top
The swamp potion because of the colour, adorable leaf adorning it and because it's going to be perfect for my lineup It and hopefully one of the balloons
I really like both of the new ones! I prefer swamp because I love green but bloodshot is so cool, too! I'll have to plan out some lineups with them after I enter the contest to see which I should prioritize getting.
I like the swamp potion! I think it has a cute design, I love the little leaf. However, if I had to choose between the three, I still really love the purple bat potions <3 It's purple, who would've guessed that I liked it lol