Which RV Shop will you unlock first on Harv's Island?

Which RV Shop will you unlock first?

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In this order for me: Leif for crops, Reece and Cyrus, Redd, then the rest in an order I've not settled on just yet.
Reese & Cyrus 100%. I have so many items sitting in storage I like but are the wrong color to match my house.
I'll also finally be able to start ordering NM items and customizing them to my preferred colors without having to slog through constant trades.

Redd is probably the one I'll go for after that as my art section is derelict.​
In this order-
Reese & Cyrus - Basically rename the game Designer Crossing because I'm going to decorate everything and I can't wait to have all the things customized!
Leif - I can't wait to cook!!
Sahara - There are quite a few special wallpapers and carpets that I don't have yet that I would like.
Kicks - He hasn't been showing up on my island very often, plus I just like him a lot.
Katrina - I'm excited to see her back but the other more practical shops are pulling me more.
Tortimer - I still don't fully understand what he's doing lol.
Redd - I completed my museum a few weeks ago, so I probably won't be visiting him much.
I'm very stuck between Reese and Cyrus or Leif.
If the only way to get the new crops is through Leif, I might have to get him first and wait to get Reese and Cyrus.
In the end, I just hope that we can get them all whenever as long as we have enough bells.
Figured since people are putting their 'order' down, I may as well chip in with my own. Assuming you can only unlock one per day, I'm planning on the following order:
  1. Leif
  2. Reese & Cyrus
  3. Tortimer
  4. Redd
  5. Kicks
  6. Sahara
  7. Katrina
I'm definitely gonna get Reese and Cyrus unlocked ASAP; I've been hoping for a better workaround for color-locked items forever and it would make so many of my decorating plans so much easier. After I get them, I'll probably go for Leif to (presumably) get the new crops, because I am dying to start farming and cooking. ;v; Next will probably be Kicks so I can collect his items easier, then Redd (really hoping we'll be able to get the little food items outside of August fireworks shows, but I definitely won't say no to more chances to buy art either), Tortimer, Saharah, and Katrina. The last few might switch around in priority as we learn more about them and what they'll do, but these are my thoughts for now.
Probably Leif because one of the features I'm most excited for is farming. I want to get all the new crops as soon as I can. Next up will probably be Reese and Cyrus, then Katrina. The rest I'll unlock in whatever order because I won't use them like I will the first three I mentioned.
  1. R&C: I want to change the look of a few items.
  2. Leif: The veggies, that’s it.
  3. Redd
  4. Sahara
  5. Kicks
  6. Tortimer: His placement might change depending on what his RV offers.
  7. Katarina: I’m not looking forward to having bad luck come back, so I’ll unlock her last.
Tortimer: His placement might change depending on what his RV offers.

I believe they went over one of his uses. He acts as a method of accessing your storage, I think. He might be able to help you access your deposited funds as well, perhaps?
1. Leif-Hoping for new plants and fruit.
2. Tortimer- Miss him and want to know what storage you can buy. Storage basket for Mystery Islands like ACNL would be nice.
3. Kicks- Still need items
4. Redd- Will there be new items to buy? Completed the artwork but will buy for online friends.
5. Reese/Cyrus-To change the color of the lighthouse.
6. Katrina
7. Sahara
I believe they went over one of his uses. He acts as a method of accessing your storage, I think. He might be able to help you access your deposited funds as well, perhaps?
Yeah, they did talk about him during the direct. However, we don’t know if that’s all that he will do or if there’s more. Probably not, but who knows.🤷‍♀️
Maybe this is weird, but I have fond memories of Kicks from City Folk, so I will probably want to unlock him soon, if for no other reason than ✨nostalgia✨
I'll join in on people listing their orders. Obviously it could change when we learn more info once the update drops, but for now I'd do it in this order:
  1. Leif - As I said, it gets me access to the new crops right away and it hopefully removes him from the visting NPC rotation for my island
  2. Saharah - Like Leif, it'll hopefully remove her from the visting NPC rotation for my island
  3. Kicks - Like Leif and Saharah, it'll hopefully remove him from the visting NPC rotation for my island (seriously, I'm tired of all 3 of them taking up visting NPC slots every 2 weeks, lmao)
  4. Reese & Cyrus - Opens up customization of more furniture
  5. Tortimer - Allows access to my storage to make customization easier
  6. Katrina - idk how much I'd actually use her, lol
  7. Redd - idk if he'll actually sell art or not (not that I need it), and it feels like he'd still be a part of the visting NPC rotation no matter what, so it wouldn't be worthwhile for me to unlock him any sooner
1 & 2 - Leif (for the crops) and Reese & Cyrus (for the customization)
3 - Redd (Need arts)
4 - Katrina (I love her)
5 - Tortimer (I do not understand what he does so lets get him in there)
6 & 7 - Kicks (I have enough shoes) and Saharah (I have enough rugs)

This list is very subject to change as we get more details on what they do and what the price(s) are! I'm so fricken excited for November 5th!
I'm gonna unlock Reese & Cyrus at first. Probably one of the best new features that you don't have to trade Nook Miles items anymore to get them in the right color as you can customize them now. This will help me a lot when I need a bunch of black streetlamps.

Katrina would be the second one I would unlock. The other ones will be unlock in a random order some time later, don't really need them immediately.
My vote was for Redd - answer is simple, this character is most needed for me, to complete art collection in my museum. As I saw on Nintendo Direct, his trailer provided two art pieces (at least). If he would be on daily basis, I will be able (hopefully) to complete my collection anytime soon.
However, an ultimate goal is to unlock all of them - day by day, and complete this task as soon as possible.
Reese and Cyrus can customize those airport-locked furniture, right? That.

One prominent feature that I felt was sorely missing from New Horizons for the fortune teller from New Leaf. I mean, it's fortune telling! It adds a unique flavor to the game! Fortune telling! Doesn't get any unique and interesting than that, and New Horizons greatly suffered from depriving us of such a unique facility (and Shrunk's stand-ups).