Which RV Shop will you unlock first on Harv's Island?

Which RV Shop will you unlock first?

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Reese & Cyrus seem like the most useful out of any of them by a long shot, especially considering we'll be getting new items with their own variations, so this was an easy choice.

I do hope there isn't some sort of forced order to the (first) shops to be unlocked. 🤔
Reese & Cyrus seem like the most useful out of any of them by a long shot, especially considering we'll be getting new items with their own variations, so this was an easy choice.

I do hope there isn't some sort of forced order to the (first) shops to be unlocked. 🤔
Hopefully not, by the looks of it. I’m curious if we can unlock them all at once, or if we only can contribute to one at a time.
Reese and Cyrus have got to be first for me since I love decorating interiors and doing simple panel builds. 💛

My list will probably go like this:
1. Reese and Cyrus (customize, customize, c—)
2. Leif (crops, of course)
3. Redd (hand items, ahh!)
4. Tortimer (nostalgia, baby)
5. Sahara (I like collecting, haha)
6. Katrina (I can wait for that fortune, lol)
7. Kicks (I got most everything from him)

If Harriet is included in the RVs, then I’ll put her at #4 and move everyone else down a number.
I'll probably go in this order:
1. Leif- I already made a little farm area, so I'm eager to fill it with crops!
2. Reese & Cyrus- Customize all the items!
3. Redd- Art!
4. Tortimer- The storage will come in handy when I'm buying and customizing things.
5. Katrina- The fortunes aren't super important to me, but it'll be nice to see Katrina again.
6 & 7. Sahara and Kicks- It doesn't really matter that much to me if I unlock Sahara or Kicks first, so these two could go in either spot~
Redd because he's my fave or Katrina because she looks cool and I want to see how luck works.
Reese and Cyrus because I don't want to get another Nintendo Online membership for the time being.
Probably going to do Redd first. I'm missing a lot of art and statues for my museum.
Either Kicks or Katrina for the cool factor. My guy Kicks better have his sweet theme music.
Reese and Cyrus to get all those Nook Shop items in new colors! However, Sahara and Redd will be close behind, as I really need more art for my museum and floors/walls to perfect my house. (I've been trying to get that bathhouse wallpaper for multiple games no with no luck thus far!)
Reese and Cyrus first. Then Lief, Redd, and all the others.
I went with a less popular choice I see...

I'm slowly time-travelling and catching up with the game after almost a year of not playing it. But it's just gathering some seasonal items, so I'm not doing much with the NPCs in the game. Hence, I'd like to unlock Redd first, and complete the art section of my museum.
Reese and Cyrus, no contest. Imo they’re gonna be more useful than the others, especially considering we’ve been visited by the other merchants (except Katrina, of course) dozens of times before.

After them, it’ll be: Leif, Redd, Katrina, Tortimer, Kicks, Sahara
It was a difficult choice but I think I'll go with Redd's RV first since I still need to buy many more paintings and statues for the museum.
I didn't realise you could only fund 1 per day, so went there with enough bells for all in my pocket. I would have gotten Leif or the Alpacas first, they seem the most usefull, but I funded Kicks first coz I was making my way right to left planing to do all at once 🤣😂.

Wish we had a skip dialogue option coz going to Harvey's via Dodo Airlines takes so damn long and there's going to be so many trips there now 🙄
I picked Leif first last night, since I didn't realize you could only pick one a day. His camper was ready this morning, so I payed off Reese and Cyrus today. Probably tomorrow I'll pick Redd since there's still a ton of art I'm missing.
I did Katrina first. In retrospect, I should have done Leif, but Katrina was the “newest” so I went with her
Reese & Cyrus first :p I don't know about the order for the rest but I'll probably unlock Redd or Leif last, since I'm happy with them showing up on my island as usual.