window seat at all times, everytime! i'll take the aisle if i'm with someone i can talk to. if i'm not in a window seat, i'll probably go mad with boredom.
If I'm sitting next to strangers I think I'd like the aisle seat just so I can get up if I need to without bothering anyone. otherwise I don't have a preference
I prefer the window seat, especially in longer flights, usually find I can get comfy in them easier (well as ‘comfy’ as you can be on a plane!). Also I hardly ever get up on a flight if it’s only a few hours so it’s less disturbance.
I probably already posted in this thread at some point but I’m gonna post again. I strongly prefer the aisle seat to the window seat. I get flying anxiety and I don’t like to be able to see out the window on flights, I like to pretend it’s not happening
If I’m sitting with people I know then the window seat, if it’s with a couple of randoms I like the aisle seat just so I don’t have to awkwardly get passed them every time I need to use the bathroom.
Okay. So I prefer the window just because I like to see out at the sky. Its very pretty
No, I actually just like sitting at the window because I feel like it would be the easiest way to escape something. Yeah no joke. I like being by the window in case something bad happens
Esspecially on busses, always wanna be at the window.