Which Side Do You Usually Sleep On?

Which Side Do You Usually Sleep On?

  • Left.

    Votes: 20 12.0%
  • Right.

    Votes: 41 24.7%
  • On my belly!

    Votes: 19 11.4%
  • It varies.

    Votes: 86 51.8%

  • Total voters
I sleep almost exclusively on my sides. Every night I toss and turn until I fall asleep. If I’m having issues winding down I like to lay on my belly for a few minutes before trying my sides again.
I don’t have a preferred side to sleep on. I sleep on the side I’m most comfortable with that day/night.
i find that i typically end up falling asleep and waking up on my right side. however, on days that its cold, left side hits different.
also belly sleeping is exclusively for nights that im extremely tired and just want to zonk out
I start on my left because my nightstand and phone set-up are on the left. I start my sleep routine by watching a video and when I get tired, I'll flip onto my back. I only sleep on my back but will shift around before I actually fall asleep.
I sleep on my back, left, or right. I do back when shoulders are hurting me or when my back does which is often.
I change positions constantly during the night. I usually fall asleep on my left side, but I wake up about every hour and flip over before going back to sleep.
I've almost always been a side sleeper (switching sides throughout the night) but I did go through a brief period of sleeping on my stomach that ended a year or two ago... I woke up one day with the worst back pain, I literally had to prop myself up with my elbows on the bathroom sink just to wash my hands, it was that bad.
I still miss sleeping on my stomach though, it can be super comfy
I'm a person that sleeps in different poses at night. When i was a kid i used to fall down from the bed because of that… xD
I used to be a regular stomach sleeper, but lately it’s on my left side. I just got my nose pierced on my left side, though, so I’ve been trying to sleep on the right more to avoid snagging it but I always end up back on the left. I think it’s because I sleep on the left side of the bed and I don’t like my back being exposed to open air when I face the other direction.
well now i have a helix piercing on the left ear and if i sleep on the left side, it gets VERY angry at me. so i have to force myself to sleep on my right side or stomach, which is easier said than done.
I most often fall asleep on my back, though I second most frequently do stomach. I can sleep on my sides but back comes more natural to me.
My back. I get comfy on my right side, though. Sometimes I fall asleep on my side and wake up on my back lol
I change sides every 30 minutes or so. I usually swap between sides but I also go on my belly or back sometimes, although I almost exclusively fall asleep on my back.
I normally sleep on my right side. I used to sleep on my stomach as a baby, though I cannot do so anymore.
Usually on my right side or on my belly facing the right side. I have a ceiling fan, and the right side is away from it. I love sleeping cold, but I don’t like the air blasting on my face.