“Assorted” Collector
can u like ... say why .. other than that it's what youre used to, how is it better than metric
Hard to explain that. It's true that metric is easier to convert than imperial, but you're right that we were used to it for a while as the reason being.
It's kinda odd that in the most well-known countries in the world, there are a lot of things the United States does differently that was common in historic times, but retired in most of the world. I mean, we're still the only major country to use the electoral college to elect our presidents, we still use the imperial measurement system, we still have gun rights, we only speak one language to visitors, and more stuff like that. And unlike most of the world, the United States is hardly adaptable, especially when we stick to something for a while. We even tried to switch to Metric back in the 80's, but the ancestors disapproved of it, as they called it "un-American" (yes, I did some research on that and learned why we couldn't switch to Metric).
But there are two things so set in stone that I see no hope for a change. They are:
- Time Zones
- The Gregorian Calendar
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