Which Uchi and Jock villagers are you hoping for? Which ones do you NOT want?


Aug 11, 2019
Title says it all: it's been pretty much confirmed that we start out with one Uchi villager and a Jock one. That said, which are your favorite villagers with these personalities? And which ones do you hate?

Personally, the Uchis I hate with a passion are Diva and Ren?e and I'm not a huge fan of Charlise, Cherry, Mira and Rocket either. I dislike most of the Jocks tbh, but I think the ones that might seriously cause me to reset are Jitters and Moose. I'm hoping for Fuchsia as my starting Uchi and maybe Bill as my token Jock. I'm also intrigued by Sprocket's design, so I wouldn't mind starting out with him either.
For Uchi I'd love to start with Pashmina, Agnes or Reneigh! Though I wouldn't mind Tammy, Plucky, Shari or Phoebe too much if I got em.

For Jock I'd be pretty happy with Aziz, Quetzal, Teddy or Tybalt. I'd also be fine with Ace, Antonio, Fruity, Gen, Genji, Hamlet, Rudy or Tarou to start out with.

I may reset if I get anyone other than those listed.... but at the end of the day fruit, airport and other things take priority! Villagers can be cycled out but things like fruit and grass are forever!
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With uchi I guess I wouldn't mind having Tammy or mire but I'd prefer two nice looking starters I never had in my town
I am going to try and love whoever I get given - I suppose all the Uchi/Jock have the same personality at the end of the day.
my top choice would be rudy and hazel. i don't know if i'd be that bothered by who i get though.
Fuchsia and Rudy lived in my New Leaf town for the longest time and I love them both but I wouldn't mind getting new faces for New Horizons. As long as they're not super horrible looking, I'm fine with it.
For jocks I’m definitely hoping for Genji or Rudy and for uchi most definitely Cherry!!!!!! I’m so excited for this game!!!
I’m hoping for Bam and Deirdre

I’ll reset if I get Tammy, Katt, Boone, Coach
I'd love Cherry, Charlise, Fuchsia, or Tammy! They're some of my favorite uchis! Just please don't give me Rocket or Mira.

Jocks a hard choice because it's one of my least favorite personalities. I guess I wouldn't mind Rod, Teddy, or Rudy? Anything but Stinky at least.
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I only reset for maps, so I'll be stuck with whoever shows up on my island first.
For uchi I'd love to get Canberra and my favourite jock is Rudy.
The only possible way I would think of resetting is if I got Renee. I mean, I could get a fruit that I'm not particularly fond of, or an airport color that doesn't thrill me, but if that rhino decideds to come with me on my island retreat, it's sayonara.

Otherwise, the two uchis I would prefer are Fushia and Shari.

For jocks, Kid Cat and Bam.
I think I’d like either Fuchsia, Diva or Reneigh as my Uchi and Biff, Poncho or Teddy as my Jocks. I have more that I wouldn’t mind but those are the ones that come to mind straight away. Diva and Biff are in my NL town and Poncho is in my WW town so that’s the reasoning for them.
I'd really like to have Kid Cat and Katt but I'm not going to reset for both of them as that would take so very long.
For Uchi I would love Agnes or Muffy.

For jock (I don?t want any).
If I have to have jock, then curly maybe. I don?t really like jock though, and usually don?t have them in my town.
for uchi, i'd like agnes, muffy, pashmina, phoebe, or tammy! if phoebe comes, that'd be a funny coincidence because she was in my first new leaf cartridge, and if i get agnes that means i'll have two of her at the moment.

as for jock, i'd be happy with axel (even though he's tier 6, he's super cute), bam, drift, frobert, genji, pierce, sterling, tad if they let him be a normal villager, and scoot, though the last one is mostly because vinny vinesauce likes him.

i know it's a lot in both cases, but if i was to reset for villagers, that'd make it a lot easier on me than worrying about just trying to get a certain combo!