Which villager is your absolute best friend?

Zucker and Julian! Zucker because he looks like a takoyaki and his house has a sushi conveyor and I JUST CANT. He's just adorable in general :D
I would say Rodeo. He is super sweet and really nice to me. He was one of the first to really talk to me and befriend me.
Bunnie! She was ALWAYS super kind to me! Even back in the olden days of Wild World.
My best friend is walker the dog because he was in my first ever game of animal crossing wild world. He was just so cute and I played that game everyday for six years just to keep him in my town. I eventually had to stop playing that game because it was getting really boring and tiring to have to play everyday. I had to let walker go but I always think that it will be awesome when walker comes to move into one of my future homes. I also really like Ricky the cranky squirrel. He was in my new leaf game but he moved out during the month that I stopped playing the game and I was devastated. Another cranky squirrel moved in right after Ricky moved out and in the exact same spot so it was an awful tinder that Ricky was gone.
I used to have a town called Clover, and I bonded so so much with Puddles aaa. She was so amazing and I wish I could reunite with her one day she's an actual angel
It's nice seeing all the Mac fans, sadly he got away from me when I was away for a while, miss that guy. Pompom and Yuka are my really good friends in town but the one I like best is definitely Rocco. I'm just a fan of the cranky villager and he's a pretty nice hippo if you ask him yourself.

Rocco got away too. So sad I didn't notice he was trying to get away but when I found out it was too late. I'd say my current favourite is now Alice, she's just so cute. Plus she's the second villager who's actually handed me her picture (the other being Pompom,) so we must be pretty good friends to have that going for us. And she just gave me the monkey shirt which I didn't even have in my catalogue. What a sweetie. Which is Pompom's current catchphrase funnily enough. And I think Simon picked it up recently too but he's ill right now and I need to buy him some medicine, but I digress... Alice is numero uno but Rocco will forever be remember with fondness. Happy trails my hip hippo friend.
Lily! She was my starter villager in city folk and we bonded so much for those 5 months, up until she told me she was moving. :(

I just got her in my new leaf and we've been talking just like old times! <3
Lolly for sure. She sends me letters and presents all the time (I think she's the one that waters the garden around our houses too), and even lives next door.
Prince, Henry, Kody, Jitters, Rolf, Hugh, and Merengue. Ahaha, I love pretty much all my villagers~❤️

She was in Wild World and instantly became a dreamie, super cute and has had great dialogue!
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