Which villager is your absolute best friend?

I acctually hated Sly cause he ruined my black roses and my plans now i wanna get him back lol

My best friend was Benedict (because he was cute and i saw him as a little brother) now its Bunnie simply because she was in my Wild World town now i have her in my New Leaf
My best friend would definitely be Rooney! He always sends me letters and I've lost track of how many pictures he's sent me xD
daisy :D
she was in my town in wild world and city folk and both games i unintentionally put my house next to hers
i also always wanted the giant moon in her house, but she never let me buy it off her :(
i hope i can get her in new leaf some day!
Beau, I got him as my 6th villager and I still have him up until now. he often send me random letter with gifts, invite him to his house, and want to visit mine too. and he gave me his pic twice already. he's really nice and sweet. absolute best friend it is! :D
I had Peoke since the start of new leaf and did not move from a year of hiatus. She's stuck around since 2013.
I think Lolly is my best friend and I feel like she's mine but I don't think I'm hers. She hasn't given me her picture yet and all my other villagers have, and she has also been living in my town the longest out of everyone, so... ;_; She lives right next to me, too. We'll always be best friends in my mind.
I haven't had New Leaf for as long as most players, but I'd say my 6th villager Ankha because she lives next door to me and is usually the first person to tell me what's up in town each day xD
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In my newest town... It's probably Rosie or Lily!

Lily was an original in my new town (I bought a new downloaded copy of New Leaf to go on my HHD N3DS) and actually my main dreamy I wanted for my new town, so that worked out well. :3

It's only been two or three weeks and I've been mostly setting up my town and not really talking to villagers, but hopefully I can get her picture like I got Filberts in a previous town. :)

(Filbert will always be my absolute bestie)
Nate. He always sends mail and shows up randomly at my house but he hasn't given me his picture yet.
Robin has been my closest friend since the Gamecube game. Midge, Tangy, Twiggy, and Tom were also good friends of mine in the Gamecube version as well. I love them all so much it's hard to say. Even the new villagers that have moved in just in New Leaf have grown on me as well.
in wild world it was goldie. she was in my town for like two years and i talked to her nearly every day. she was so precious to me, and i really loved dogs at that time too.
Wolfgang! He's been my best friend since the gamecube game came out in the USA :) I've had him in every single town I've ever had (which is a LOT).
So my favourite villager is Bunnie. Bunnie has really stuck to me since Wild World. It all started when my sister had Bunnie move into her town. I was soooo charmed by her and I loved her too bits. Eventually Bunnie picked up her bags and moved to my town which shocked me and filled me with glee! I would talk to her everyday, send her long letters of love..., with lovely furniture and gifts included. I'd always do all her favours and I loved getting all the gifts in return!I always stopped her from leaving my town when she was in boxes. Our relationship was strong and soon enough I received her pic! I was over the moon when this happened! But alas friendships don't last forever as Bunnie packed up in boxes and refused to stay... I was heartbroken... Nowadays I display Bunnie's pic gracefully and proud in my regal living room, as a reminder of our amazing friendship...
In my first town, Dizzy. He's been with me in all my AC games (except my 2nd New Leaf town, just to diversify) and just seeing him around makes me happy :'D He was one of my first campsite visitors so I knew it was fate... it was like he had just come to visit me from my Wild World town!!!

In my 2nd town it's hard to say since I'm not really attached to any of them yet. I feel like it's harder to let go of my starters like Freckles, Fuchsia, and Melba. My favourite villager right now is Bangle but I'm sure my friendship level is higher with other villagers.
Tie between Vladimir and Marshal. Either way they are both so cute and awesome