Who are your permanent villagers, and who do you plan to move away?

On Muir Wood, I think at this point all of my villagers are permanent; I've been thinking about moving Dom out, since he's also on my second island, but honestly, I love him so much and I don't think that I could give him up.

Muir Wood permanents: Dom, Maple, Poppy, Pecan, Genji, Ruby, Shep, Butch, Deirdre, and Beau

On Inverness, I still only have 9 villagers since I've not put my final plot down yet, and the villagers are a little more in flux.

Inverness permanents: Dom, Sherb, Skye, Dobie, Muffy, Julian
Inverness temps, maybe?: Bluebear (I'm 95% sure I'm going to let her go), maybe Chevre (only because I've had her before), maybe Diana (also because I've had her before, but she's so perfect for the island that I'm 90% set on keeping her).
Right now I don't have any permanent villagers. Some have extended stays for sure, but I just love the buzz of island hopping and collecting villager photos and adding new posters to my catalogue. I'm sure eventually I'll settle but right now I'm just enjoying getting to know a wide range of villagers as there could be some hidden gems I've not had yet :)
puddles is a forever resident of my town. 😌

i like all my villagers currently, but i do know i’m going to kick bella out for chai when the sanrio update gets released. after that chai and tia will be reunited and i dont think i’ll move any more villagers out. 🤷‍♀️
All my babies are perma-villagers.

Dom (I may get rid of him at some point, but seriously doubt it.)

O' Hare
I've thought about it, and there are some villagers on my island I love, but if any of them asked to move I'd let them go, maybe Boomer being the exception. There are tons of other villagers I'd like to experience, so I aim to not have a rigid dreamies list.
my permanents on my main island are honestly most of them! i love raymond more than i thought i would, i have such a soft spot for gonzo, pashmina was one of my starters, and i was looking for dom since the game first came out! i'm really beginning to love ruby too. i might switch out beau, deirdre, and marshal at some point, but i'm definitely not in any rush - i let lily go recently and she'd been with me since about april, so i'm not willing to get rid of any long-timers any time soon. i think i might eventually switch out vivian since i haven't really connected with her very much (though i think that's generally an issue with snooties in this game for me...).

as for my second island, there's definitely going to be a lot of switching! i'm not a fan of any of my starting 5 apart from my peppy, freckles, who i think i'm happy to keep for now. i also got raymond AGAIN as my first camper, and i don't want any copies on both islands, so i think i'll sadly have to get rid of him. i'm looking forward to seeing who i can find though!
Currently I have Doc, Del, Elmer, Tiffany, Rod, Tybalt, Jacques, Piper, Eunice, and Deirdre. Almost all of them either fit in with a Nature/Nautical theme for my island so 9 out of 10 are staying, but sometimes I debate about replacing Tybalt with Pierce.

I adore Tybalt but I'm not sure if a yellow tiger fits my nautical sailing town more than Pierce, who has a white/blue color scheme and seems to fit in more with my style. And if I want Tybalt back at least I have his amiibo....
I have Renee, Vesta, Lucky, Dotty, Raymond, Dom, Cyd, Judy, and coco.

Renee, Vesta, Lucky, Dotty, and Dom are permanent for sure. I was thinking of replacing Cyd with Spike and Coco with etoile. I might end up keeping Judy and replacing Raymond with Julian because I have a galaxy theme on my Island, but I can’t seem to be able to give Raymond up just yet.
In the town I'm currently working on I plan to keep Canberra, Ketchup, Claudia, Hamphrey, Nana and Walker and when Bubbles, Goldie, Tank, and Punchy ill let them, I like them but I want to experience new villagers and I have all their photos already :)
I think my current permanents are: Diana, Beau, Tangy - I really like the deer villagers so they have a permanent spot in my town, and I've come to really enjoy having Tangy in my town, she was not in my original "dream" list.

The one's who have a safe spot for now are: Julian, Ankha (she's going to move in tomorrow) - I haven't met Ankha yet but I really like the design and Julian is very majestic.

The one's who would probably move out if asked: Marina, Tank, Alfonso, Pekoe, Frank - I am not trying to actively get anyone of these guys to move out, however, I think I would not mind if they found a new loving home. Some potential new villagers to move in, in their spot that I would hunt for on islands would be Fauna, Bam, Erik (deer gang), but I would be open for any cool ones I find on islands.

Note: This is my first AC game, so I have no attachment to any villagers from previous games. This is my first time meeting everyone. I just happen to really like deer/antelopes.
Raymond is never leaving my island. He cost me 3 days of my life to move in (via the spirit-breaking, soul-sapping campsite method) and I need to have him around for the rest of my life to remind myself never to attempt it again.

Naaah. He's never leaving because he makes me smile every day. Marshal as well. And Claude.

Everyone else may leave at some point. That said, I'm feeling very happy with my islanders right now, so I'm not looking to move anyone out for a while. But it will happen. Moving in new animals I have not met keeps the game interesting for me.
Cookie will stay forever! As well as Norma and Friga!
I plan on moving away Hans (a monkey that doesn’t fit to my island) and Samson
Marshal, Whitney, Kid Cat, Dotty, and Rosie. Maybe Coco, but Im mostly fine with the others leaving. Im just really close to those five

But Im usually hesitant about any villager leaving, even if I have their amiibo, because ill loose friendship with them. It was hard letting my starters go.

moving out:
-pietro (once i get all the emotes i need from him)

-cherry (not really sure if i want to keep her or not. i like her alot, but her and agnes saying the same thing all the time is getting annoying and i prefer agnes to her so if someone gets booted it'll be her)
Permanent: Kiki, Ribbot, Pippy, Sylvana, Diana

Maybe Permanent: Agnes, Julian

Not Permanent: Dobie, Julia, Erik
i'll keep sherb and lily forever. the rest might go at some point but i really like my current villagers. aside from sherb and lily i have genji, raddle, opal, chief, audie, purrl, tammy and marshal. i don't need all personalities because i've had all the reactions for months but i like having one of each. still, i might get rid of a personality and swap the villager out for another one i like a lot.
I thought I would be done with moving out my villagers, but since the Sanrio update is coming I thought of taking out Audie, Whitney, and Judy. 👀

I would love Etoile + another sheep (Mog or Stella), and Marty because I cannot resist how adorable they are 😭
As for my island, the villagers which will be permanent are Raddle, Puddles and Kody. My other villagers, such as Violet and Del, will be moved out when the time arrives :)
Hans and Judy are my permanents atm. The others can come and go as they please. If there is a campsite villager that I like, I might replace someone with them or if someone wants to move out then I'll let rng replace them. I love pretty much all of the villagers so it's nice switching them up every now and then without the stress of trying to find a "dreamie".