Who are your permanent villagers, and who do you plan to move away?

Permanent: Bob, Punchy, Murphy, Beau, Zell, Lopez, Vesta, Tammi (?)

Getting rid of: Willow, Bunnie

Want: Dierdre, Etoile, Jeremiah (?)
I'm enjoying my current line-up! However, I do get bored at times so I might let some of my villagers move on once they ask.

Current permanent residents:
Colton (he will never be allowed to leave, ever!! even though he doesn't quite fit my theme.)

Will possibly move on:
Audie (way too many peppy villagers on my current island for my taste)

Villagers I'd love to have around at one point:
Étoile (!!)
My permanent ones are Stitches and Pietro. 😍🥰 Stitches has always been my favourite, and I just love Pietro so much as well!

I also have Dom, Mallory, Mira, Mint, Tom, Beau, Iggly and Wendy, but they can all move out once I’ve gotten their pics!
I'm not too sure yet, I like to change things up but right now I'm getting really attached to Kabuki so he's probably staying forever.
Other than that I'm not sure, I really like my villagers but I also like changing things up, so once I get all their pictures I'll probably let them go, althought I might keep Dom and Lucky. We'll see :)
All of my villagers are permanent. I have Raymond, Marshal, Audie, Reneigh, Fauna, Lopez, Antonio, Wolfgang, Julia, and Erik. I do rotate between Erik and Lolly, and I use that house as my villager cycle house for my shop. But I just started a second island, so when I have that one all set up, I'll make that my cycle/catalog island. I plan on having alot of villagers that I like that don't fit my main island aesthetic.
Robin is my only permanent villager right now. Raymond will move in tomorrow and he will be the second.

I like all my others villagers as well but once I get their photo, if they want to leave I let them leave in order to get new faces on my island. I might want to get rid of Apple though, I'm a bit tired of her but she won't give me her photo haha...
The important part is I have 1 of each personality.

Town #1
Cranky: Wolfgang
Jock: Rudy
Lazy: Punchy
Normal: Mitzi
Peppy: Bunnie
Smug: <Open>
Snooty: Ankha
Uchi: Fuchsia
Extras: Lolly, Bob, Agent S

Most of my personalities are filled. I don't have a permanent smug yet. Out of extras, I don't plan on keeping Bob or Agent S permanently. Once I find a home for Bob, I will invite a temp smug. Maybe Kyle or Marshal. I hope to find a permanent smug someday. Hoping for Wolf Link to make a return. Lolly is a permanent Normal extra. I will not let her leave.

Town #2
Cranky: Cheif
Jock: Genji
Lazy: Moe
Normal: Poppy
Peppy: Carmen
Smug: Marshal
Snooty: Diana
Uchi: Fuchsia
Extras: None

Town #2 has 8 villagers. 1 of each personality. I don't plan on removing any of them, and don't plan on going above 8 by bringing in any more villagers. There is a small chance I might swap Diana for Whitney. I'm just not sure yet.
Right now I have
And Julia
So far, my permanent villagers is poppy ,maple ,marshal ,Erik, Molly and Diana not sure about beau,Allie Julia and Judy
I like all of my villagers, I don't want any of them to move away, but at the same time there's so many more that I like just as much, only one I'll for sure never let go of is Ruby, probably won't let Judy go either, just because it would be a pain if I want her back again.
Current villagers are, Genji, Wolfgang, Tangy, Chester, Ruby, Judy, Greta, Fuchsia, Poppy, Chevre.
two of which are sally who's first day of 3, she's come today at my campsite, via amiibo card :3

the other is ketchup who'll come after sally :3

them being permenent, i mean :3
Permanent villagers: Genji, Hornsby, Ankha, Diana, Dobie and Merengue.

Leaving at some point: Pashmina, Maddie and Vivian

Unsure of: Zucker

I really like Zucker, but I had my mind set on Lucky to go along with Ankha. I kinda don't want 3 lazy villagers, so I'm not sure what I'll do.
I don’t have all my dream villagers for either island but getting close
For Serenity
Permanent are
Moving out after I get their photo
Margie :I have her photo but she never asks to leave

Villagers I might move to my second island

Villagers I want on Serenity
Sprinkle will move from my second island

Second island Jurai

moving when I get their picture

moving to first island when I have a spot open

not really sure who else I want for my second island.
i was actually planning on keeping my current villagers as i genuinely like them, but i just thought villagers that would fit my island theme more would be better so here's my plan now that i have decided to villager hunt again lol

lolly (change to poppy/fauna/molly)
lucky (change to teddy)
judy (change to coco)
julian (change to marshal)
chief (change to dobie)
muffy (change to deirdre)
audie (change to bunnie)

took a bit of time to think about it but i think a new set of villagers would be a breath of fresh air and would be good for my island! kept some tho as some of them are my absolute faves (lily and beau) while others i just didn't found anyone i could replace them with (diana)...
I have a few permanent villagers. Sydney and Antonio because they are my new favorites and I love them so much (not to mention that they are OG) and possibly Coco but I have her amiibo card so I can invite her as I please. Audie is also a favorite, and Raymond was just a pain to find and the only other smugs I like a lot are Toby and Eugene. And there’s of course Zucker. He is blooping (bad joke lol) never leaving my island.

In terms of villagers to move out, I’d be fine moving out Lily or Coco even though I love them so much because I have their amiibos. I invited Phoebe to my island to see what she is like, and if it turns out I’m not fond of her (I don’t know what to do with her house now because it looked a lot better when Static lived there) I’d be fine moving her out.

At some point, I want to invite Amelia, Anicotti, and Boyd all to my island. I haven’t ever really seen them on anyone else’s islands and I love their design!
I have a few permanent villagers. Sydney and Antonio because they are my new favorites and I love them so much (not to mention that they are OG) and possibly Coco but I have her amiibo card so I can invite her as I please. Audie is also a favorite, and Raymond was just a pain to find and the only other smugs I like a lot are Toby and Eugene. And there’s of course Zucker. He is blooping (bad joke lol) never leaving my island.

In terms of villagers to move out, I’d be fine moving out Lily or Coco even though I love them so much because I have their amiibos. I invited Phoebe to my island to see what she is like, and if it turns out I’m not fond of her (I don’t know what to do with her house now because it looked a lot better when Static lived there) I’d be fine moving her out.

At some point, I want to invite Amelia, Anicotti, and Boyd all to my island. I haven’t ever really seen them on anyone else’s islands and I love their design!

i love Sydney and Antonio so much! They are so great, and love seeing them get some love.

I also love seeing villagers I haven’t seen much on dream islands. Although I don’t think people should get villagers based on who is or isn’t popular or who others think they should have, it is always an added bonus to go to an island and see some fresh faces, and sometimes I do choose what islands I want to visit at least in part because I want to ‘meet’ new villagers

i hope you end up getting Amelia, anicotti, and Boyd. :giggle:

good luck!
My current villagers are


And I think they'll all be staying except:

Ruby and Pietro

Ruby is such a cutie but her house is that awful wood block crap and Pietro who I love because my weird love of clowns is great but the smug personality is awful and dreadful.

I think those two will be the only ones that move out now. The others are the same villagers I've been riding with since GC or NL days, so I'm really attached to them lol
All of mine are permanent they are:
