Who was on your Nook Miles Ticket island?

Bought 3 tickets:

1st : Nan did not invite her
2nd : Nana did not invite her
3rd : Nan again - did not even talk to her
I've been there two times so far. The first time I got Deli and the second time I got Carmen. I've invited them both. I just Iike all villagers so I don't really care who is living on my island.
I got Broccolo on my first trip. The disappointment was real, haha. On my second trip I met Kitt. Although I'm not a fan of kangaroo villagers, she doesn't seem bad, so I invited her to move to my island. :blush:
Tangy.. I was a bit sad. I wanted the new sheep, dom. or one of my old faves like flora, tammy, diana.. I am having the worst luck on my island visits now. No villagers, my native fruit (cherries) and my native flower too. Awful. 5x so far. I think the game hates me.
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Ist was Merengue. But she was across the pond and I didn't have the pole vault yet so I couldn't get to her. 2nd was Benedict. I like the lazy oaf so I invited him. Then my most recent was Gala, she's pretty cute and I've never had a pig villager, so she got an invite. I'm going to be more picky going forward though, I want a goat and a wolf to live on my island for sure.
I’ve traveled three times and I’ve had Bizkit, Tangy and Filbert! Did not recruit anyone though.
Bought 3 tickets:

1st : Nan did not invite her
2nd : Nana did not invite her
3rd : Nan again - did not even talk to her
Either goat or monkey, I feel like my quest to find a dreamie of mine went nowhere because the game would just plug his hear with his fingers and say Nananana nannana !
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The very first island I went to had Margie, but I didn't have a pole vault at this point so I couldn't even talk to her. The island I went to today had Simon and I invited him!
I bought a ticket yesterday and found Apple! She agreed to move in. :D I used the free ticket today and found Melba, who's nice but I decided not to invite her and see who I get randomly.
On my free ticket, I found Wendy. She's pretty cute but I wasn't really vibing with her, so I didn't invite her. I might take a few more trips to see if I can find anyone I truly like before the random villagers start moving in.
I’ve traveled three times and I’ve had Bizkit, Tangy and Filbert! Did not recruit anyone though.

Be still my heart! Tangy!!!!! I need to find her! My island visits have been a bust. Here's hoping to better luck today :)
I bought a ticket yesterday and met Pango. My free ticket today had Celia. I said hello to both, but didn't invite either.
1st island: Alfonso - didn't invite him as I already have one alligator (Sly)
2nd island: Erik! Love him, plus he's a lazy so that will add variety in villager types.
Decided top do some night tours and splurged on 2 tickets. I'm having rotten luck with them. All 4 had pears (my native) and coconuts, hyacinths or windflowers (got both).

The first had Patty, on an island in the middle. It was a pain to find a spot to use my pole to get to her, so I didn't bother. I did get a bottle with a recipe for a water pump, though.

Saw the trees and flowers on the next and almost turned right around, but didn't. I'm very glad I stayed, because Lolly was up by the waterfall. I talked to her and she's going to move to Deilf Isle. Woohoo!
So far I've found my Peppy and normal type villager to move-in: Ruby and Lolly :D
I look forward meeting them! :blush: