Who was on your Nook Miles Ticket island?

1st - Punchy (Invited)
2nd - Bella
3rd - Bangle
4th - Twiggy
5th - Skye (Invited) But I will be hunting for Caroline eventually
6th - Bangle
Flurry! I had her for so long in acnl before replacing her with sylvana, so of course I invited her to my island in acnh haha
I got Carmen. She's not one of my favs, but I just invited her because why not. If I keep going I'll probably just invite the ones I personally like, but I might just fill my island with ones that are okay to get rid off other ones more quickly.
Been kinda going crazy with the Nook Miles Tickets, so far I've seen:
Wendy, Candi, Gayle, Nana, Rosie, Rex, and Nana again. Only invited Rosie; I wanted Audie, but I love Rosie too so it works out!
Merengue. I like her but not sure she fits the theme. If villager trading is a thing I will give her up for someone I want more like Ankha or Hans or Octavian.

Most likely trade her for Hans though
I found Twiggy the first time and Rex the second time. Although I did invite both to my island, I don't know if I will keep them or let them go later as I just invited them to have more villagers on my island for the time being.
Deli was on my husband's free ticket island and Anicotti was on mine. We didn't invite either one because not a fan.

Might buy a ticket tomorrow and try again.
I went on two tours and ran into Poppy and Al. Poppy is just so adorable that I couldn't say no to her! I had her in New Leaf for a brief period of time in my original town, but I think she moved out in about a month. I'm looking forward to her staying longer this time!
Island One: Marina the pink octopus. She was a villager in my New Leaf town once, and I thought she was cute. So I invited her!
Island Two: Rex the lazy lion. He seemed chill enough, and I read that you have to invite three before any will move in... now I'm wondering if that was false.
Island Three: Tammi one of the scary monkeys. Sorry, but monkeys scare me. Long story. Anyhow it was a hard pass on her!
Island Four: Merry the happy kitty. How could I pass up a kitty that looked positively DELIGHTED about life? I couldn't! Yup, I invited her too.

So those are the three I've invited, and we'll see if they come in all at once or in the order I met them, or what. Gotta get to the point where I can put plots down first though!
I got Gladys! I was eager to get anyone on my island so I invited her
My first island was Chester who I love so I invited him. Farmed a bunch if islands looking for Erik but I started to think I can only invite one lazy.
Then ended up inviting Audie and Molly.