I was up till... 5 am my time last night? It will probably be the same tonight. I work best at night for some reason.
i have sleeping problems so i keep fallibg asleep later than i'd like and then i wake up several times before i beed to get up. 2day i woke up at 5, 6, 7 and 9 even tho i didnt need to get up until 10:30 lmao rip so thats why im awake at annoying times
I am also more productive at night and it ****ing sucks because they ALWAYS have me work in the morning. I mean I like my job but ughhh I'd probably be a better worker if I worked in the evenings. I try to fix but I just can't. Probably because everyone's asleep and I have the time of my life when I am finally being all alone.
Trying to kill time, also because I just don't want to sleep
It's 1am atm and I am still up because I can't sleep and am addicted to the internet. I do wanna switch my schedule to early bird but my night owl is soooo strong.