Why do people like landscaping more than interior design?

Five reasons for me (lol I started with two):

1. Novelty is definitely one. Not only was it a new feature in NL that was hugely expanded in ACNH, but it was some I've dreamed of since the first game. The fact that there were items that were literally designed to be placed outside... that then couldn't be placed outside... drove me nuts! So I was PUMPED to finally get the chance to decorate outside and you bet I was going to 100% take advantage of it.

2. There's just more versatility and space outside. Don't get me wrong, I still like interior design. But I feel like there's so much more potential with outdoor design. The island is so big compared to tiny houses, and I have a lot more freedom to get creative. If I want a fun beach, I can do it. A playground? Space for that, too! An orchard and farm and forest and campsite? Space for all of it! Whereas, inside it's like... ooh, I want a library! Oh wait. What room will I need to get rid of to accommodate that?

3. More people can see the outdoor space. I mean, I love how my house looks, but the vast majority of people who visit my island will never see it because they're there to drop or pick stuff off/up. They're not going to bother going to my house to analyze the interior design (and... I'd be a bit weirded out if they did 😅). But, with exterior design, I still get to enjoy hearing "wow, your island is so nice!" when they leave 😊

4. I've always been the type to decorate my interior until it's done and then... just leave it (even if the HHA apparently frowns on that 😒). I occasionally change little things, but only with my main character. For my side characters I have goals of how their house will look and, when it's done, it's done. But I've taken a different attitude towards my island, changing it up fairly often (AT LEAST seasonally, if not for each holiday). It keeps the game fresh and gives me new goals! Like, I spent a ton of time on my Fall/Harvest Festival. I LOVED it. Then I updated my DA so everyone could see it... and took it all down to replace with a Winter/Toy Day theme, which is currently a WIP!

5. And, lastly, though I touched on this in other points- ACNH has a really well-developed system put in place to design a town down to the tiniest detail. I mean, I enjoyed the original game and previous games. It was fun exploring the town and meeting neighbors. But I never felt a deep connection to the town because I had little to no control over anything. I relished the tiny bit of control ACNL gave me, but ACNH stepped it up big time. And that alone made me adore the game. Sure, it didn't ship with all the holidays. And it lacked the fun mini-games from ACNL. And villager dialogue needs work. But I could control basically every detail on my island, things I'd been longing to do for so long (like, I can't count how many times a villager moved into the worst possible spot in ACNL and drove me nuts!), and I want to take full advantage of it. Sometimes there are things you wish for for so long, then you get them, and it's like... eh. Why did I want this, again? BUT that is not even close to what happened with ACNH! The details I'd been dreaming of that they added are EXACTLY as cool as I'd hoped, and I love using them!
This is mostly nitpicky but no doors made me too angy to decorate my house. It makes it difficult to wanna decorate rooms for me tbh. Customized door simple panels are a life saver. bugged they added doors to HHD yet here we are. just want some DOORS. also villagers cant visit u rn and i have no friends so why bother-

Decorating the island is way more fun imo bc you can create outdoor living spaces that villagers can actually interact with. i love having an entire living room complete with a bookshelf and fireplace that inevitably gets soaked in the rain
I used to love decorating my house in previous games but this game I’m always focusing on landscaping that I forget about my house. I just feel like there’s that much focus on landscaping people forget about decorating their houses
IMO it might be because the player spends the most time outdoor. Most activities like catching bugs, fishing, finding NPCs and talking to villagers are on the outside so naturally you want to make a place that’s comfortable for you to run around in. Nowadays I barely go inside my house, mostly only to put or take things out from the storage. Also, there’s a much larger space outside to decorate compared to the few rooms in the house (which are even smaller in ACNH).

This is exactly it for me. The actual gameplay takes place outdoors, so making my island more beautiful makes all the other activities more fun and satisfying. There isn’t anything to do in my house EXCEPT decorate it. I did try to make my house look decent, but once I got some passable rooms arranged, I haven’t really come back to it. Why would I? I’m not hanging out in my house, but I am running all over my island talking to my villagers and bug hunting and digging up fossils and watering flowers and buying clothes and participating in events.
The other reason that interior design is less satisfying is that 3 of the rooms are pretty small. It would be nice to have bigger rooms, especially since HHA wants you to cram so much stuff in to earn a high score. In one of my houses, I used a small side room to make a "Belle's Library" theme (Beauty and the Beast Belle). I had a lot of items that could go in the room but not enough space. The larger rooms were already taken up by big sets like the Frozen set (for Elsa's room) and Cinderella's Diner and Ariel's basement "underwater" bedroom. So, it was a bummer, because I would've liked all the princesses to have equal size rooms but Belle, Mulan, and Snow White ended up with smaller rooms since there aren't enough large rooms to go around.

Basically, I want a castle option. Or a palace. Or at minimum a large manor house.
Because when I play I spend more time outside than inside, so it's more important to me that outside is looking good.
Eh, I actually prefer interior, so I'm not sure. Exterior designs can cause laggy loading, which makes it difficult to make some nice outside set-ups, plus terraforming is a bit difficult and you can't affect the coastline, which for a game set on an island is a bit weird to me. Interior is a little limited for space, but you can make some beautiful and unique rooms with all that's available. I love what I've done with my house.
Well I personally like the freedom of decorating outside. You aren't limited to the square (or rectangular) size of a room. You can build areas as big or as small as you like. Terraforming only adds on to this.

Interior wise I just lack motivation to be honest. It's a pain to find matching furniture walls and flooring, and even after you do you have a very limited space to work with. I'll still decorate my house interiors eventually it's just a slow process for me haha. If you could design houses more like in the Sims where you can put rooms wherever you want and can make they just about any size then inside design would be more interesting in my opinion.
I like both interior design and landscaping for different reasons.

With interior design:
  • I get to design my "dream house" without footing the bill with RLC
  • Easier to plan out what furniture to order by going to Harv's Island. I just need to mind the size difference for the three side rooms on the ground level (6x6 in the house, 8x8 at Harv's Island)
  • Using wall-hanging items and rugs. How I wish we could at least use rugs outside!
With landscaping:
  • Making the island enjoyable for both my villagers and myself. They are adorable when they interact with placed items, water flowers, etc.!
  • Having a lot of control over how traversable and easy to navigate the island is
  • Giving each villager a unique yard that coincides with their hobby, preferred colours, and/or goal
I think it's because there are limited options inside the house. There are space limitations and the current furniture catalog could be expanded upon to build home layouts (some of the full furniture sets from new leaf didn't make it to new horizons in their entirety, i.e. the minimalist set). The side and back rooms are also smaller, which also limits how much you can do in them.
There’s more artistic freedom to decorate outside, you aren’t just limited to furniture. I feel like I spend more time outside admiring the work I’ve done than I do my house. I like designing both for different reasons but I guess everybody has different reasons :)
After thinking about it, I would be more excited to decorate my house if we just had more stuff to decorate it with. We had so many furniture sets to play with in New Leaf that it was fun to see what was in the shops.

New Horizons has great mix and match furniture. In fact, I would argue that the overall design is more sophisticated and easier to work with than in New Leaf. But, we are definitely lacking in variety with furniture. And it doesn't really motivate me to decorate my house right now.
I think a part of it is because interior design still has more boundaries than landscaping. At the end of the day, you are still confined to the room and the space in it. Whereas for landscaping, you can plant trees, make/remove rivers, make/remove cliffs, build bridges, there's also a lot more creative ways to use the furniture outdoor....etc

The other factor could be because your town and landscape is the first thing that your visitors see when they come over. So you could have a super messy house (or in my case, empty house) but with pretty landscaping, and your town would still look very polished in the eyes of visitors. So I think that may also play a part in peoples' preference when they have to decide time spend on interior decorating vs landscaping..
in New Leaf i LOVED interior designing and i could come up with room ideas fairy easy but when in New Horizons the lack of furniture just crippled me in a way. Im not the interior designer I was back in New Leaf and that kinda made me averse to interior designing in new horizons.
I like decorating both my house and outside, however, I have been struggling with the interior since not a lot of the items work with my ideas and also having trouble coming up with new ideas in general. The room size also threw off a lot of ideas I had before getting the game. I was planning on recreating some HHD rooms I made but not enough room or furniture to make them indoors. Outdoors wasn’t a problem (though I am running out of room), but I am missing a lot of items and have improvised and substituted the best I could.

Atm, I guess I like decorating outdoors better since I can make adjustments by terraforming (i am bad at it though) if i don’t have enough room and plenty of room. Thanks to @Jinglefruit back when we played HHD, I have been having fun using indoor furniture outdoors and vice versa and making use of the furniture of something they weren’t initially meant to be used for. I love out of the box designs 😊; @Hobowire & @Hououin Kyouma both helped me further that love with their fantastic unique designs. Still, I feel like I am not as good as them or maybe it is just my ideas that make improvising and substituting difficult. It’s okay though. they inspire me to keep pushing myself to figure something out even though there will be times like now where I want to wait for more furniture lol.

Sorry if this is all jumbled and doesn’t really answer your question. I have trouble articulating my thoughts sometimes and I get easily side tracked.

I might post again or edit this if I can think of anything else to help answer the question more.
I guess that sends New horizons is still a pretty fairly new game and there's going to be constantly updating. I still think there's going to be a lot more furniture that people will like and appreciate. Gracie is missing completely so a lot of people like her stuff and are pretty annoyed she isn't here.
I like interior decorating but I want more options.
For me, it's because of the amount we can now do outside with our islands. New Leaf was very limiting with what you could place outside, and there was no way to change the cliffs, rivers or move buildings to exactly where you want them. I love New Leaf for the amount of adorable furniture we had and how creative we could be with the interior of our homes.

I love New Horizons for all of the really cool stuff we can do outside with our islands. The fact that you can place whatever you want outside is great. I think that's why people are focusing more on the landscaping. That's the reason I am anyways.

Having said all that, I have already fully decorated the inside of my character's house, so I don't really have any reason to focus on interior XD
I prefer island landscaping more because it's new. There were PWPs in New Leaf of course, but they were so much more limited than landscaping is here. Meanwhile interior design hasn't really changed at all; it's not bad, however it's still the same square rooms we've had since Gamecube.
Who said thissss??
I love decorating sm
Esp inside the house. It's so much more cozier and I'm very happy when it looks so good together