Why do people like landscaping more than interior design?

besides all the reasons people have already pointed out, I just haven't been very inspired by most of the indoor furniture options I think...

I really miss all the unique sets and the fact that you can't customize a lot of the pieces you can buy on Nooks (like the cute or the antique sets) made me really lazy about having to catalog them from someone else...

I feel like I would totally have started working on my kitchen or my bathroom by now but the color options for the fridge and the bathtub on my Nooks are awful so I keep postponing actually working on them!
Agreed! I'm not finding I like the interior options as much as I like the outdoor decorations, and they're often hard to find in the colorway you're looking for. I hate having to search and search online for the items you need.

Neither of the houses on my new island are even remotely done but I have to get working on them!
I would agree with some above with the reason being that I spend more time outdoors than indoors. I also have more outdoor design ideas than I do for interiors, since I mainly stick to conventional houses and there’s only so many things I can do to make it unique. I think I’d enjoy interior designing a lot more if there were better items to use. However, I‘ve found a new interest in going into Harveys and designing rooms, I just don’t like doing my own houses because I have to order everything again and I’m lazy/impatient 😂
Another reason why I like interiors more is because I can control the colour of the room? Like I can make a whole blue under the sea room while that furniture would be wasted outdoors when it's always on the grass? I like the cherry blossom items better with the cherry blossom wall than outdoors too
i definitely spend most of my time outside so i tend to focus on my island and neglect my house lmao, its also the biggest thing i was looking forward to about new horizons, a mix of hhd and nl, where its your own island or town and you get to complete decorate it, it just makes everything more interesting for me! im always excited for people to see my island and never really had an interest towards my own or anyone elses houses !
uhh, because no one really goes inside their houses other than to store stuff probably. and when someone is visiting the island, they typically come to, y'know see the island. not some dinky little house. Plus, there's SO MUCH MORE you can do outside-design wise because the houses be tiny in this game
I spend a lot more time outside. I do plan on decorating my house but I don't know what theme I want to go for and I'm still missing furniture I want to use.

I want to spend time at Harv to play around but I hate how difficult it is to find an item since there is no search.
In my opinion, I like both interior and island designing, but prefer
island designing more. I love being able to make the animal forest an actual forest! That being said, I’ve always liked interior designing, so I try to design all the houses I have (it might take a while, though).
Personally I've never enjoyed the interior design aspect of the games. It just doesn't interest me. I didn't think terraforming would interest me either honestly but I'm really enjoying it.
For me it's the same as others have mentioned - because the game gives little incentive to stay indoors. I actually didn't bother designing my interiors until just recently when there was a rumor that they might be adding npc visits at some point.
I like my house design, I think it’s fun but I feel like when I finish my house I’m like okay that’s done and then I don’t really wanna touch it. But now in new horizons with the landscape tools I wanna redo my island constantly. Having the ability to change how the island looks is super cool. Plus I’ll see pictures of other peoples islands and I’m like wow I wanna do that so bad. But when I see other peoples houses I’m usually like wow that’s super cool! But it doesn’t make me want to change my house that much
I'm sure others have said it, but I spend far more time outside than inside. That's not to say my house isn't 100% finished, because it is, but seeing as I'm exposed more often to the exterior, it's easier to focus heavier on those aesthetics.
I do like to design interiors, but I think the biggest thing is that you can have varying sizes when outdoors. I do really like how easy they've made interior decorating, but everything is restricted to the rooms.
Like others have said, I feel that the solely-interior item selection is lacking too much for me to really get into working on my house. I've planned out themes for all of my rooms, mind you, I'd just like some better furniture to fit those themes.
Echoing all the other commenters who have said it's simply because they spend the majority of their time outside. And it's just such a lovely open space, whereas indoors you're inevitably cramped and if you add too many items it'll look like that Hoarding: Buried Alive show. I generally only enter my house to access my storage. Sure, it's nice to decorate inside, but it's just more satisfying outside. Plus, when you invite people over, most of the time you hang out outside. So you can show off your items and decor!
I love designing outside, but the interior has always been my favorite to decorate.
I am one of those people and i have been like this since new leaf. I think it is because i dont really spend time inside and i rarely get in so i focus on the parts that i see more. I am just not into interior design games overall which is one reason i havent played happy home designer.
personally, i like both aspects, but as of late, i've been designing more of my island rather than redoing the interior of my home.

maybe it's because when you're working on your island, you aren't limited to a four-walled room. you can literally branch out and do anything you want; make a pond, build up some cliffs, do a fancy entryway, etc.
I think it’s because it’s the overall image of your island. If people flew in and only hung out in your house I think there would be more emphasis on interior. I try to make my house a reflection of me :)
I think it's because terraforming is a new mechanic in the series which is exciting. As for interior design, I think people are not as motivated to spend as much time because there aren't that many items/item sets to play around with. Hopefully that'll change with future updates.
The house has become pretty obsolete in this game. Lack of furniture being a huge aspect that I won't go into, but it used to be the one place you could decorate, and a part of interacting with villagers. Now that villagers can't visit and everywhere is design space, I don't care for my house anymore. It's become a series of loading screens to get to strictly rectangular design space that I have no reason to ever go into. Outside I can shape an area and decorate multiple levels of background for it, and see my villagers wander round it and comment on items. Why would I want to decorate inside anymore? And the outdoor decorating is a new mechanic so it still has some of that added novelty going for it.
Also Nintendo killed off most of the replayability when it comes to playing with friends with NH. No island games or HHA showcase means I rarely play with people, so I rarely show off my house now.

Especially with Harvs photo island addition, I'd rather decorate there and be able to invite characters in and interact and take pictures. That at least has an output.

That said, I have considered making my house be the only place I go for dreams and crafting, just to give it some purpose. But equally, crafting became a chore after like a month and I'd rather the easy access of having 2-3 benches dotted around town.