Why do you collect mollectibles?

they're cute!! i like styling my profile with mollectibles, they're very pleasing to the eye. :] also lowkey like the thrill of having rare mollectibles, but that's just me with the glow wands hehehe.
Because I can't help it. When I first joined, I collected a couple from the 2020 fair, but i think it was dec 2020 that kick started my interest. That was when we bought/traded the present mollectibles and donations were made based on which we chose. So that was really fun.

But my real obsession started later with the jellyfish and crystal mollectibles. There were different colored jellyfish available, and I was able to get 5 different color jellyfish, for a full row! Then much later, the crystals came out and i was able to color coordinate those with the jellyfish! Obsession begun. 😅
Aesthetically cute, fun goals to work towards, sentimental value.
This sums it up for me! I don't feel as strongly towards them as others on TBT but I like them as part of the goal/reward for participating in events, lots of them are cute and I have sentimental value from some, especially old ones, as memories of my time on the forum. It's just nice to have some cute little icons on the side, and everybody having different ones is a nice touch of variety.
I didn’t for the longest time and couldn’t understand what the fascination was. Then a friend gifted me an ancient candle (the only mollectible I had any interest in at the time) and that’s how it all began.
It’s a very slippery slope :ROFLMAO:
They're like little serotonin squares!! When I started becoming active on TBT and really noticing them in people's sidebars for the first time, some of them reminded me of things and characters that I like, and it all spiraled from there ahahaha ;v; At first I swore I was just going to have one permanent, ~affordable~ lineup themed around Code: Realize, but... I don't actually possess that kind of self-restraint LOL

I try to come up with pretty lineups too, but the individual mollectibles themselves are definitely the focus for me! So with events, lineup planning is usually a second priority for me after making sure to grab all the ones I want the most. I'm mostly interested in collecting ones that either directly remind me of something I like, or ones that just seem really versatile/would pair well with the other ones I have... sometimes I feel like my inventory is a little all-over-the-place as a result eheh, but I love my collection, so it's all good!
It's just carefree fun. I make line ups. Though I'm hoping to inch away having organized line ups because they are kind of tricky to do. Sometimes randomness is more fun. I also like the fact that many of them are memories from events. They are also a type of expression for a person about their interests and likes.
They're pretty! And it makes me happy when I make something that looks nice.
Some of them also have good memories attached of people and events from here.
While it’s definitely frustrating at times it’s also rewarding to collect them and make some really awesome looking lineups out of them.
I still don't really collect mollectibles. But I have quite a few gifted to me by my lovely friends. It doesn't matter to me if they are super rare or common, out of everyone they could've given them to, they chose me and wrote a lovely message and that means so much to me ❤️

Also I do get a few during events for a memento and if I like how they look. Other times I participate and gift mollectibles to my friends and or someone having a rough time. I know they make them really happy and that's enough for me.
honestly i didn't begin taking mollectible collecting seriously until a couple of years ago, when i figured "hey, maybe i should try making a cool lineup of mollectibles i find cute." and began searching.
still have yet to obtain a cool lineup that i'm okay w/ keeping permanently.. but one day. one day 🙏🙏
Whenever I joined I thought to myself they wouldn't interest me. I bought my first mollectible, a Red Lily in July 2022 and then I was hooked! I like buying mollectibles from members, however, I think the events made me enjoy mollectibles even more. I love being able to buy at a particular time/date within an event and also love playing around with lineups until I make my final decision!
I think it started as an "oooh shiny!" kinda reaction. I had accrued a good amount of tbt from my Nook's Cranny chartiy/trading thread, without really meaning to, and after receiving an orange from a friend, I decided to buy the other fruits. That need to collect things was already an addiction from ACNH and it was a slippery slope, lol.

I have a few gifts from friends that I would never trade away, but most of my collection is fungible. I started an art shop to save up to afford the houses, and then after acquiring them, I was pretty satisfied. I went for a star and wand quest and upon completing that, I was satiated and generally ready to retire from the site and my art shop.

But now I love collecting two kinds of mollectibles--
1. I like the kind that I can give away to make people happy. I like hunting for ones my friends couldn't imagine owning and seeing their delight to receive one.
2. And I like the kind that I can compete for to keep as a memento of TBT events. It's not always the exclusivity that is the draw, but that sense of approval just feelsgood.jpg
I don't know. Because I do? That's a very profound philosophical question. For some, it may even be introspective. Why do we collect mollectibles? What about mollectibles drive us to near insanity? This may take more time than I thought. I will come back when I have been enlightened to the truth.
I'm not too big on collecting mollectibles, but I do really like the oarfish set. It's just funny idk. I also have a few random stuff from events, but I don't really use most of them.
sentimental value and as a way to express myself! For instance, I have a planned lineup that honors all of my birbs I've had, I have a line-up that represents my fond memories of Space Camp, and I have a line-up that reminds me of my best friend. But I also have a whole line-up of eggs + Celeste + Bluebird to represent how much I love birds :D

I love when people share the meanings behind their line-ups. I think it's very special ✨❤️