Wi-fi-ing with n00bs


The deftest potato peeler
Project Staff
Dec 27, 2008
Red Envelope
Rebel Gnome
Aurora Sky
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Mote of Flame
Orange Mote of Flame
Thunder Flame
To most people paranoid about hackers, i thought i'd give some n00b wi-fi advice :) First of all, if you wanna wi-fi with a newer user, go to his town, try to make a good relationship with him before you do, after your done wi-fi-ing with him/her, make sure to remove that person of your FCR, so if your hosting again, you don't have to worry about him coming to your town. This may be obvious, but try to stay away from users who have scammed in the past, if they say that they have renounced scamming, make sure to ask someone who's recently wi-fied with that person. If you don't know much about a user when Wi-fi-ing with him, as the above sentence states, ask someone who's wi-fied with him lately. And of course, if you ignore the entire first sentence, if you wi-fi with a n00b and invite him to your town, make sure to pick up any item you've left on the ground.

I hope this helps! Of course, most of this is common sense. Wi-fi safe! :D If this sorta thing isn't allowed, or anything. Feel free to lock :)