Wildlife Spotting (Crystal Ballers Cabin)

Checked every single post by Pandapples in the basement section. I'm now stuck thinking about how the clue has so many opposites and someone did bring up there being a lot of this or that threads in the basement. Admittedly I'm just hoping to get lucky by checking mod posts.
i needa keep tabs on my brute forcing so

- first post(s) of every bulletin
- first posts of the first 5 pages of the acnh board
- first posts of the first 3 pages of the basement
- every staff members profile (have no gone through their posts)
- first post(s) of every sticky

*post(s) refers to if theres consecutive staff posts in a row
I went through sages, anything related to greek mythology and columns, nook shopping seasonal items, and I've been trying to click on every animal I see haha.
i've already looked through threads regarding the site theme unless you had another idea?
I was thinking trees in the game since trees can be ancient and bushes are short, but also newly planted trees are short too. They can also be temporary, but can feel permanent. I'm also considering other extinct animals? Going through list of animals again.
we got it in discord, post incoming

sidenote this is what the bear looks like
