Will you be getting it?

Designing homes is one of the most tedious things to me in Animal Crossing. Why on earth would I want a game centered around it?
At first I wasn't so interested in the game. But now it looks kinda cool. May pick it up =)
I am gonna get this game for sure. Just a quick question not sure if this has been answer yet,but do you think you be able to decorate the house of a villager the way you want or do you have to decorate it the way your villager wants it ?..
When it was first announced, I wasn't interested. But thanks to Nintendo Treehouse and that Japanese overview trailer, I'm convinced.

I feel like getting the game bundled with NFC adapter + amiibo cards, even though I find the amiibos stupid and greedy.
it looks rly bad atm maybe i will buy it once ive seen how much it'll cost and if there are more to it
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I'll get the game and the NFC adaptor. Hopefully I can get some cards too.
One of my favorite things to do in AC is decorating homes, so this is right up my alley. I'm very much looking forward to its release, although I probably won't buy it right away.
I'm more interested after seeing some screenshots but I'll wait for reviews first. I find designing furniture fun in AC, but collecting them while trying to match what you want the room to look like is a lot of work. This game focuses on designing so maybe I'd enjoy this!
As it stands now, I'm almost definitely getting it! I really like the idea of designing homes for villagers, the much Much larger number of patterns you can save, being able to design the buildings in the town square. Plus, it seems like you don't have to design strictly to what the villager wants ( no point system?) which means more creative freedom. No budget... There's a lot to like about this game.
That said, I'm still waiting for a confirmation of sorts from people playing the Japanese version regarding the villager limit. I still haven't seen how many villagers we can have, whether its all 400~ or something much smaller than that. I'm also curious about the character dialogue. All I've really seen so far for the villagers is you get to say hi to them when they chill out in front of the realty building.
I'm not big on designing homes, but...I'll get it for two reasons
1. I need stuff to ask for for my birthday
2. I'll feel as if I'm missing out if I don't at least try it.
That said, I'm still waiting for a confirmation of sorts from people playing the Japanese version regarding the villager limit. I still haven't seen how many villagers we can have, whether its all 400~ or something much smaller than that. I'm also curious about the character dialogue. All I've really seen so far for the villagers is you get to say hi to them when they chill out in front of the realty building.

Hi Reineke: Someone in this sub-forum posted a link to a series of imgur pix uploaded by someone who appears to have unlocked all normal (i.e., non-special) villagers. In the photos, there appear to be 324 in total. It also appears as though they unlocked every single one without amiibo cards. Not sure if that in itself is the confirmation you're seeking, but it suggests that you can design homes for a LOT of villagers.
I kind of forgot about this game until recently and I think I'll try it out! I've been thinking about upgrading to the New N3DS anyway because my 3ds is kind of crap so this would be fun to try out amiibos!
I've pre-ordered the limited edition New 3DS XL with the game pre-installed as I was interested in getting a N3DS at some point anyway! So glad I waited for this limited edition to come out! (*^-^*)
Already pre-ordered mine. My sis wil be getting the NFC edition and my girlfrind will be getting the normal version.
Okay so I checked out the first 3 pages and the last and I can honestly say that some people sure aren't happy about this game. I mean it's all about designing houses. What else was excepted from a 'Happy Home Designer' game? Did you want to, I don't know, spend the game fishing?

It's a spin-off for a reason and I am going to pre-order it. I'm probably going to do it sometimes this week since I want to put the money on my bank account beforehand. I'm excited or this game and although watching let's plays is getting a bit boring, it's because I cant play it.

I'm so excited for 2nd October since I do plan on getting the new HHD 3ds XL bundle pack with the album and kit!