You don't need the new 3ds to play. You can either play and not use amiibo cards (4 villagers a day will randomly show up in your main street and you can decorate their homes) or you can buy the new NFC reader, which you can use to read amiibo cards on the "old" 3DS XL. For a bit more of a detailed answer, check out the "Frequently Asked Questions" thread.
Even though I've seen pretty much everything the game has to offer via tumblr and such, I'm still going to get the game mostly because ACNL is boring the ever loving crap out of me, and I need a new 3DS game to play every now and then.
I'm getting it for sure! It looks so cute and fun! My favorite part of New Leaf was designing my house I'm just upset that NA hasn't released any information on if the new limited edition XL is coming or not. I would buy that in a heart beat. But for now, I have preordered the game and the NFC reader. I need to preorder some cards too!
I'm getting the game! I'm so excited and I've got the normal 3ds with a few new updates so I'm sure i'm able to get it! Also those of you who aren't appealed should really see the trailer then you can be sure you like/ won't like the game
My brother preordered it for my birthday so I'll be getting the poster! (meaning I'll be getting it at least a week after it comes out because I don't live at home but thats fine ouo)
Since it doesn't seem anywhere near as dependent on the Amiibo cards as originally presented, and looks like a pretty good game in of itself, I think I'll give it a try. There's like nothing else of interest coming out any time soon, anyway.
I just wish some of these features would get added to the next non-spinoff AC title (like extensive, easy decorating outdoors).
i'm definitely getting it and can hardly wait! decorating is my favorite thing so this game is right up my alley. :') i'm honestly a little worried about how much time i'll probably spend playing...
Yup! I actually am going to change my preorder to the New 3DS bundle soon, and I'm stoked! This game looks like it'll be a blast, I always loved decorating in AC but this seriously takes it to the next level.
I was watching TheBitBlock do video journals of it and it actually looks... kinda intriguing? At first I wasn't sold on it but the more I actually see gameplay I'm thinking if my broke ass had the extra money lying around for it I might just bite the bullet and get it lol
I was really disappointed when I found out all it was is decorating...but when I realized it's essentially Buy/Build mode from The Sims..but Animal Crossing I got sold. So I probably am gonna get it on launch date.