I'm really bad with art, but your mayor is so cute I have to try to draw her ;v;
If I drew her WITH one of the villagers from your list, would that still be 150 (100+50)? o: Just wondering
I'm going to guess Hawaii, New York, or Nevada?
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Hourly entry! Also going to guess again that you live in Idaho. Also, here's a funny story that happened to me:

It was last year in my Science class, when I was in 7th grade. My teacher was talking about her son and stuff, and then she said that her son has a girlfriend. Then this dude in my class asked, "Is she hot?" Then my teacher said, "Well, all humans have the same body temperature, so she isn't hot." Then the dude asked, "Is she cute?" And the teacher was like, "Yes." LOL :D
All entries are updated to this point!

@OmgiItsAbigail that is sooo cute!!! ahh i love when people draw me, thank u sooo much!!

@punctuallyAbsent yes, that would make 150 entries!! (id actually love that omg!!)

@Dawnpiplup ahahaha man i wish my teachers were that cool!!! ur 15 entries are added c:

@KatFromCt- THAT IS SOOOO CUTE ahh omg i'm actually squealing!!! i love aurora!! entries are added!!!

Nobody has guessed the right state yet! HINT: it's on the east coast!

thank you all for participating so much so early in!!! from the looks of the beginning i was expecting a flop giveaway, but it's going so well!! i can't wait to see the turnout c:
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Haha I knew you had to be in a stats with the eastern time zone. I want to guess New Jersey
first person gets them!

also entries are updated c: still nobody has guessed the state!
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Entry number 2!
Do you live in.. South Carolina..? I don't know.. I'm just guessing.. :p
1st Entry! mmm. do you live in Florida?

image.jpg and heres a pic of your cute mayor LOVE THE PINK
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2nd entry! :) (i'm sorry if this is long)

Here is a Animal Crossing New Leaf room design

For the question I'm going to guess Florida (if we can guess 3 guesses I'm going to add Massachusetts and Connecticut but if we can only guess 1 ignore this)

Here is a story... One time a few years ago I was on a safari ride thing and our bus passed by the ostriches and I guess they were hungry or something so they all started chasing after the bus and the driver actually had to speed up to get away from them because they were known to bite people.

Suggestion for new way to enter: Tell me what you like about Happy Home Designer OR Animal Crossing New Leaf _ entries!

(If we are allowed to do a second suggestion this is my second but if we are not allowed to do a second suggestion ignore this)
Second suggestion for a new way to enter: Tell me what you are looking forward to in Happy home designer _ entries!

Drawing of your villager(I tried so hard to make it as perfect as possible I'm sorry if you don't like it):
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