I have lost my color pencils so i had to do her in black and white..... I hope its okay...
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omg i came home today to like a billion entries, thank you guys so so much!! one more day until break and i'll be able to update more frequently!!

@HibariTheCarnivore- thank u sooo much!! that drawing is absolutely amazing, thank you so so so much!! i love it a ton c: ALSO it was japan!! good guessing!! entries are added!! also- i considered the collectables thing, but i don't see the point in getting a bunch of orange or pear collectibles (or others of course) if i don't need them!! i might figure out which collectables i want first and then add that one in, and if i do i'll give you entries!!
@AndrQmedA- omg that is so so cute!! i love it soo much!! thank u a ton, entries are added!!
@Mizurai- that drawing is so amazing!! thank you so so much for your drawing, i love it!!
@cassieok5- yes you can!! if you sent a ton at a time i would count them together!! and i like those names, but i like more unique things that i know that nobody has!! thank u though for your entries!!
@ACanelleNL- that is sooo cute omg!! i love kyle!! don't get down on yourself, it's awesome!!! i'm so jealous that he's in your campsite, he lived in my old town and i want him back sooo badly!!!
@mcwhyte11- the question has changed from my location, check back every once in a while to see the new questions!
@beccy- those drawings are absolutely adorable!! i love them soo much!! thanks a ton for your entries!!

i will add a new question as soon as i can, thank you all so much for the overwhelmingly positive response! i'll be on more often starting tomorrow night, and things should get more interesting and less complicated!! just a couple things to say before i send this- please do not spam me with guesses to the question. it's hard for me to tell if you're spamming me with guesses or entering bi-hourly, so i havent counted any comments that just say countries and nothing about the entry. PLEASE only guess ONE guess every 2 hours so that i can count it as a normal entry as well! thank you!!
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I love Kyle, he seems so dorky but sadly I have no space for him in my town! Maybe one day I will move Marshal out for him~ And thank you so much for the complement regarding my drawing. I haven't drawn in such a long time but I'm slowly warming myself up to it again. I have a drawing of your villager I'm waiting to post up tomorrow. I'm sorry if we're not supposed to reply on here but I just wanted to thank you for thinking he was cute!! ^^
I love Kyle, he seems so dorky but sadly I have no space for him in my town! Maybe one day I will move Marshal out for him~ And thank you so much for the complement regarding my drawing. I haven't drawn in such a long time but I'm slowly warming myself up to it again. I have a drawing of your villager I'm waiting to post up tomorrow. I'm sorry if we're not supposed to reply on here but I just wanted to thank you for thinking he was cute!! ^^

its no problem, you can reply on here!! i just don't count it as an entry unless you say entry c: and i hope you keep drawing, because you're really good!! (and kyle should move in- i love marshal, but i'm definitely team kyle!!)
omg i came home today to like a billion entries, thank you guys so so much!! one more day until break and i'll be able to update more frequently!!

@HibariTheCarnivore- thank u sooo much!! that drawing is absolutely amazing, thank you so so so much!! i love it a ton c: ALSO it was japan!! good guessing!! entries are added!! also- i considered the collectables thing, but i don't see the point in getting a bunch of orange or pear collectibles (or others of course) if i don't need them!! i might figure out which collectables i want first and then add that one in, and if i do i'll give you entries!!
@AndrQmedA- omg that is so so cute!! i love it soo much!! thank u a ton, entries are added!!
@Mizurai- that drawing is so amazing!! thank you so so much for your drawing, i love it!!
@cassieok5- yes you can!! if you sent a ton at a time i would count them together!! and i like those names, but i like more unique things that i know that nobody has!! thank u though for your entries!!
@ACanelleNL- that is sooo cute omg!! i love kyle!! don't get down on yourself, it's awesome!!! i'm so jealous that he's in your campsite, he lived in my old town and i want him back sooo badly!!!
@mcwhyte11- the question has changed from my location, check back every once in a while to see the new questions!
@beccy- those drawings are absolutely adorable!! i love them soo much!! thanks a ton for your entries!!

i will add a new question as soon as i can, thank you all so much for the overwhelmingly positive response! i'll be on more often starting tomorrow night, and things should get more interesting and less complicated!! just a couple things to say before i send this- please do not spam me with guesses to the question. it's hard for me to tell if you're spamming me with guesses or entering bi-hourly, so i havent counted any comments that just say countries and nothing about the entry. PLEASE only guess ONE guess every 2 hours so that i can count it as a normal entry as well! thank you!!

Are you going to check through the countries? Or just come up with a new question?
UPDATE!!! Please look at the update section of the main part of the thread to see a RULE update as well as the new question! This rule is extremely important for both of us, and if it isn't obeyed, your 2 hour entries will be VOIDED!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Are you going to check through the countries? Or just come up with a new question?

i looked through all of them, and HibariTheCarnivore got it right, so i have made a new question!!
its no problem, you can reply on here!! i just don't count it as an entry unless you say entry c: and i hope you keep drawing, because you're really good!! (and kyle should move in- i love marshal, but i'm definitely team kyle!!)

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I always have a hard time seeing the positives in my own work T^T I'm going to keep going at it! I was thinking of trying some digital drawing and if one day I get good enough at it, I'd like to make drawings of people's mayors and villagers >< Maybe one day...
I hope Kyle is like Eloise and comes back! Eloise has been in my campsite 3 times in less than a month xD I hope he comes again when I have space. I wanted him but what kept me away a bit was his house... lol. All that barbed wire and shoddy siding... o_o hahaha
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I always have a hard time seeing the positives in my own work T^T I'm going to keep going at it! I was thinking of trying some digital drawing and if one day I get good enough at it, I'd like to make drawings of people's mayors and villagers >< Maybe one day...
I hope Kyle is like Eloise and comes back! Eloise has been in my campsite 3 times in less than a month xD I hope he comes again when I have space. I wanted him but what kept me away a bit was his house... lol. All that barbed wire and shoddy siding... o_o hahaha

omg yeah, i completely forgot about that!! he lived in my old town from around 6 months ago, and i tried EVERYTHING i could to get him out. i hated him so so much, and i honestly don't remember why!! i would give him rotten fruit and trash just to be rude, and i was an awful mayor!! i reset my town and now, ironically, i miss him soo much!! i cant wait to get a new town (again) so i can get him back c: (and i agree, his house is awful)

(also entries updated)
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Another Entry and Jullian!Quick Sketch Also I'm young so don't judge:/ image.jpg

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Also Guess: Ya wanna go to Europe?
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Another Entry and Jullian!Quick Sketch Also I'm young so don't judge:/ View attachment 148343

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Also Guess: Ya wanna go to Europe?

ahh thats so cute! i'll add the entries as soon as i can, and i'm not judging, it's sooo cute!!! also, that question ended, somebody guessed it: japan!! the new question is on the main page c: thank you for your entries!!