Wisp's Scattered Spirit

Hey wisp, have you ever had some solicitor call your nook phone, just to ask you if you’re interested in the latest tooth loss prevention invention? I guess you can hear these creeks and cricks when it’s in your mouth as you sleep. No nightlight can combat darkness when sounds are involved, am I right? Can you imagine how much worse it would sound if you heard babies crying from nightmares while all you hear is…well at this point you hear everything, because your ears have been so tuned to the tiniest nails on chalkboard sounds imaginable, coming from right inside your own MOUTH. Eck. Then you jump because all of the sudden while you’re busy smarting to drown out the cacophony of micro-sounds a child tugs at you and snaps you out of it.

Wait…you haven’t had that happen? Oh. So…it’s just me then. Oh. Okay. Oh! Your phone’s ringing, I’ll let you get that. 🙂
One night you dream that you heard the sound of soft giggles coming from an abandoned house. There, in the dark, were a group of glowing babies, all staring right at you, their eyes wide and mischievous. They looked adorable, but then one of them pointed and said, 'Join us... forever!'
Round 2, October 25th: On Wisp's profile
Wisp has been scared by two posts in this thread! Everyone's messages were super scary, poor Wisp never stood a chance!

For the lucky two who scared him, spend your new Spirit Pieces in the shop on 5 Wisp Spirit Piece items. After sending them to users, the effects will appear within an hour. (I suppose we should all hunt them down with our nets after that?)

Round 2 is starting and this time the objective is to scare him by leaving messages on his profile. Good luck being frightening!
Oh no, the curse is gonna wear off on me soon!! D: It was fun while it lasted. I made sure to take a screenshot to immortalize the occasion!
Screenshot 2024-10-27 111049.png