Wisp's Scattered Spirit

Hey wisp, have you ever had some solicitor call your nook phone, just to ask you if you’re interested in the latest tooth loss prevention invention? I guess you can hear these creeks and cricks when it’s in your mouth as you sleep. No nightlight can combat darkness when sounds are involved, am I right? Can you imagine how much worse it would sound if you heard babies crying from nightmares while all you hear is…well at this point you hear everything, because your ears have been so tuned to the tiniest nails on chalkboard sounds imaginable, coming from right inside your own MOUTH. Eck. Then you jump because all of the sudden while you’re busy smarting to drown out the cacophony of micro-sounds a child tugs at you and snaps you out of it.

Wait…you haven’t had that happen? Oh. So…it’s just me then. Oh. Okay. Oh! Your phone’s ringing, I’ll let you get that. 🙂