Words or phrases people use incorrectly?

May 31, 2014
What are words or phrases you notice a lot of people use incorrectly?

For me, it's "I could care less/I couldn't care less".
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I misuse the literally all the time. I know I'm doing it. I just hate the sound of the word figuratively.
I really dislike when people say "a whole nother".
People say Expresso instead of Espresso.

Really, I thought that had to do with pronunciation rather than usage as a whole.

I can think of a few in Swedish that might be a bit hard to translate but generally and instead of at/to and those preposition/articles.
this is in swedish but when people say "tack vare" (kind of means "thanks to", it's positive) instead of "p? grund av" (negative, kinda like "due to" but uhhhhh more negative imo). both pretty much mean "because of" but it is super weird to b like "tack vare that the fire was in a giant building hundreds of people died. :') " . u r being like Wow What A Great Thing, all thanks to this a bunch of people died!!!
a guy in my last school did this super often, he was really interested in history and science and he'd talk about horrible things like wars or stuff and he would use the positive phrase instead of the negative phrase almost Every time sfjksdgrgujdf

also i really dislike when people use double negatives or redundancies, it makes the language sound weird and clumsy. i don't like when ppl use long, complicated words that they actually don't really know how to use incorrectly (or just.... in a weird way) to make something sound smarter. there have been so many times in school where we had to give each other feedback on texts and i'd Die inside because someone used the most complicated looking word they could find on a synonyms website in a really weird context
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My room mate always corrects me when I misuse "at least" (when I meant to say at most or something). Sometimes I get mixed up and say the opposites of things by accident. I also misuse "already" like I'd say it in a sentence when it's not necessary... that I blame living in malaysia for too long and picking up a bad habit. A lot of people misuse that because it makes sense to say it in cantonese or something so it's often used in spoken english (or manglish).
I don't really notice it in others; we all make mistakes while talking. I'm more to notice mistakes in writing such as when peer-editing or proofreading a classmate's paper, but not in speech. English is not my mother's first language so I'm used to hearing things incorrectly. I also don't really use much "phrases" or idioms or whatever, so if someone uses one around me but it's wrong, there's a 99% chance I wouldn't notice lol. a thing i notice that i do are using more than conjuction(?) (not sure, idk what they are called exactly) in sentences , example "too also," or "but ..blah blah... though." or just straight up forget i said it at the beginning already and say it again at the end. lol like "also, i love cookies also." Not just in speech but in text too because i don't bother editing grammar in chat or informal posts
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My anxiety issues make me an aboslute nightmare for mispronunciation, spelling mistakes, misuse, etc.

But I'm only that way with myself. I couldn't care less how other people do their thing.
When people say 'lookit' it's awful. It's like... Look it what? It soooo annoying. Also, 'leave it go'. Like LET IT GO BRO. xD
i hate it when people write "would of" instead of "would've!!" it's because "would've" sounds like "would of" when you say it out loud but it just grinds my gears that sometimes people just don't bother to think about what their words mean- "would of" doesn't even make sense! ;;;;

Quote "on" quote!! Instead of "quote, unquote." Like what are you saying, there's a quote on top of a quote?
But yeah an example would be like "i'm going and peeing" rather than "i'm going to [the bathroom] pee" like are you walking and peeing at the same time? lol
These type of threads make me very self conscious because then I'm thinking, "Gosh am I doing something that someone dislikes?" I mean who cares but..I can't help feeling worried. Hah.

I don't care for, "No offense but.." Clearly though, you don't care that you're about to barrel a harsh/blunt opinion at someone. Why start off saying that? Most times, people already have their defense up as soon as someone says it. Internally we're all, "God, here it comes."

Also, I always read it in some valley girl accent.
All the sayings people misuse like "jack of all trades" which actually is a negative thing. "Blood is thicker than water" people use it to mean that their family is closer but the real saying is "blood of the battle is thicker than the water of the womb" meaning that your friends and teammates are more important that family... There's a lot of those and it just bothers me but I never want to go on a rant to random people so I just get frustrated.
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All the sayings people misuse like "jack of all trades" which actually is a negative thing. "Blood is thicker than water" people use it to mean that their family is closer but the real saying is "blood of the battle is thicker than the water of the womb" meaning that your friends and teammates are more important that family... There's a lot of those and it just bothers me but I never want to go on a rant to random people so I just get frustrated.

i hardly get what the first one is

but yeah your second example is just dumb to use your biological family is not always the best.
i hardly get what the first one is

but yeah your second example is just dumb to use your biological family is not always the best.

People say "jack of all trades" to mean they can do anything, but the longer form is "the jack of all trades is the master of none" and the even LONGER form is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” So it's like... when I hear it I just want to be like SON HERE'S A HISTORY LESSON. But I don't.
My life span decreases by 5% each time someone says anyways instead of anyway