Worst forum you've ever signed up for?

If Neopets counts, then that. I almost got banned when I used their forum and since then, I decided to never use their forum again. The reason that I was almost banned was because I posted too much in a forum game that I made! -.-
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ACC - It's so messy :( and the people on their don't seem to friendly to me. I've heard people have been scammed trading villagers on there too.
So far, the worst forums I have been on is Super Mario Boards and Gamefaqs.

With Super Mario Boards, I have had many experiences where I have tried to express my opinions and people seem to attack me, make sarcastic remarks and troll me. I just had a bad experience there today that left me almost wanting to cry. However, I decided to start doing my homework to make myself feel better. It actually worked.

With Gamefaqs, I seem to get in trouble for some of the most simple things ever but trolls and just other people seem to get off scot free for everything. Also, the same thing that happens on SMB happens here, but it is way way worse. One time, I was said some rude things that I had trouble sleeping once.
A lot of bad ones have been brought up already, I agree with Gaia, Neopets, ACC, and smogon though I really only lurk smogon for strategies.
And oh god don't remind me of the minecraft forums agh

Gamefaqs isn't so bad (unless you're talking about the pokemon x/y forums, they got annoying really fast... what with all the "hacker" debates ugh) Neoseeker is pretty darn awful though I haven't been on it for years, its mostly full of a younger audience though from what I gather.

Back when I used to play an mmo named Flyff, the main forums were terrible. No freedom of speech, couldn't complain about anything, instant locks and bans... so I joined a fansite's forums and wow I'm not sure which was worse. It was literally the same 5 no-life elitists going around, raging at the new members and shutting them down for asking simple questions, and whining about how the game was dying and that they "quit months ago"...

MyAnimeList has some real annoying discussions/members, but I still frequent it. I really only go to episode/series discussion now since the general boards are usually redundant or facepalm-worthy.
The weird thing is a few years ago i was going to sign up to here, but it seemed dead? hardly any activity
came back in June and it was insane, and look at it now!
Agree about neopets, their banning crap is somewhat the equal worse-ness of Subeta lol.

Gaia is fun lol
I thought GaiaOnline was dead... I barely hear about it.

Also, I thought Neopets was too.
I went to see ACC for myself and ugh the layout is too cramped together. I completely lost interest after signing up realizing I have to wait a day to even post, and your posts per day are limited, depending on how long you've been a member. No thanks. Another thing about MMO Central forums, formerly, Toontown Central Forums: They moderate all your posts when you're a new member. Though you can post as a new member, your posts will be first sent to an administrator for review, then the admin will approve your post, which can take a while .. >_<. Also you had to PAY MONTHLY for basic things like a signature or personal user page. (It was basically a blank canvas where you could write a profile about yourself etc). Ugh it was lame. Once they gave out every member of a year+ free user pages, myself included. And could barely even add anything because every image hosting website is blocked/censored. Then like a few months later, they decide that they are going to make it a paid service again, including those who were gifted the free User pages. So everybody basically had censored URLs all over their pages and nobody could edit or remove them after that time period because of their change of greed.
^that sucks lol -_-

and yeah i hate gamefaqs for their limited posts crap when you are new. otherwise sometimes you can snag villagers i guess...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I thought GaiaOnline was dead... I barely hear about it.

Also, I thought Neopets was too.
Lol no but they suck even more goat nowadays lol. Only there for a couple of friends :3.. Neopets idk havent been there for like 2 years maybe?
I joined some graphics forum once cause I found some really good tutorial and wanted to check out a bit more and the people there were the rudest, like I didn't even post cause I saw the newer people have their graphics ripped to shreds e_e there's constructive criticism but they reallyyy crossed the line. I can't even remember the name of it now but it was pretty small.

I don't like Marriland's layout at all, even though people are pretty cool there.

acc is pretty bad but I never even bothered to use it much because of the layout too.
I know that I posted Habbcrazy as the best forum I signed up to, but it is infact also the worst. In it's current state it's became the biggest pile of crap to ever roam the internet. Some of the people there are absolutely obnoxious. The site is essentially closed, but it's not official. The managers there are trying to bring it back since it's shutdown and reopening back in September, but nothing has really came from that except failure
"1.7 Online Romances
While we want everyone to make friends on ACC, it is not to be used as a dating site or as a place to flirt, nor play out romances -- in public OR private forums. Even if members know each other offline and are romantically involved, ACC is not the place to express your intimate feelings about each other. ACC is also not the place to discuss or seek advice about relationship issues, nor is it appropriate to discuss physical relationships of any kind. Many members of ACC are very young, and this will be taken seriously. "

ACC by far.

I'd also have to say ACC - I signed up for that before TBT, couldn't stand it and left before a day. It's just stupid, all the rules, their systems for doing things, the confusing layout. The way to trade FC codes there is so tedious and annoying. You have to request an FC from a user first, and only after they approve can you actually add to play with them. Can you imagine letting people in to sell turnips or something? And posting FCs in just a public message or whatever is not allowed for some reason. What possible harm is there in publicly sharing FC codes? I mean, you can't even play with someone unless you both add each other.

Also, when I first looked for an AC forum to join, I wanted to ask questions, right? That's why I wanted to join a forum in the first place. Right off the bat, I was told I can't post any messages or make a thread until I've been a member for 24 hours or something. WHY? What is the point of such a stupid rule? I just don't understand any of their rules, they're so trivial and pointless, and makes everyone's lives more difficult.

Another thing I hated to a lesser extent was the inability to use custom avatars or put pictures in signatures. I don't get it, but I can live with it. At least it doesn't actually take away from the main purpose of the forum, like not being able to make a post when you want to.
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I actually had been thinking of joining a forum for ages before I actually signed up to here and ACC. I started using ACC a few days before TBT but honestly, I was amazed by how unhelpful and uninviting everyone was towards new members. I had always had this impression that forums were meant to be really accepting places where you could make friends and talk to people really easily; needless to say I just gave up on ACC and started using my account here. The community here is really nice, you rarely see any arguing and people are overall really helpful!

TLDR; ACC. It sucks. Plus the FC system is horrendous imo.
The Neopet forums, Gamefaqs, and the Pok?farm forums.

Strict, filled to the brim with *******s and trolls, and filled with greedy, self-centered people respectively.

I have had VERY bad experiences on Gamefaqs, but they're things I don't want to even think about...