Worst forum you've ever signed up for?

I'd have to say the worst forum I was on would be the Nintendo Pipeline board. I only became a member because I'd lost contact with an old friend and randomly googled the username he used and it came up that he was active on there. I think most of the active members of that time were at the same school or something so I just felt rudely sidelined and ignored for not actually knowing them but I stuck around for a bit.

ACC used to be a brilliant website back before Wild World came out. They had no reason to impose crazy rules cause you could only trade with Nooks codes and couldn't visit people without their memory card. The moment AC became a social game they went rules crazy to protect people playing and try to shelter their younger members more and the whole website fell to crap within a month. I'm amazed it's kept going all this time, they still don't have a map generator for CF last I heard.

But yeah, I would say ACC is the worst forum now that I'd ever joined. But I got perma-banned for starting the game, "Who can break the most rules before getting banned." as a defiance to when they started being ridiculous with the rules. So I was never really on ACC while it was like this, so I can't say it was the worst forum while I was a member. :p
ACC is scaring me. I read the rules, and I'm like WTF?! You can't even sell a lawn mower there.

Why? everyone here is making me curious how ACC was like *digging the forum rules and read* xD
Without a doubt it's Animal Crossing Community.

I always got notifications for the stupidest reasons, like, for example:

I had a romantic scene with another user in a RP I once joined. (it died a long time ago) Mind you, they started the romantic scene first, but they didn't get any notifications for it. And because of that, I thought it would be okay to continue it, so I did. But I was the one that got the notification for it! :mad:

By the way, it wasn't THAT kind of romantic. It was just light romance, like, fluff. :p
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I've been on ACC for years and, while I do still use it, I have to agree about the rules being too extreme.

I remember years ago creating a thread where people gave me requests for pictures which I would draw for them. I really enjoyed this a lot and people liked my drawings and it was all fun and happy... Until my thread was locked and I got a notification and my thread was locked because it was a "topic not allowed". I politely responded asking why my thread had been locked and pointing out that there were other similar threads still running and their response was something along the lines of "it's technically against the rules, don't question us."
Animal Crossing Community just got bumped up to being one of the worst forums I have ever joined.

Not only because it's just, a complete and utter mess and hassle to weed through. It has some of the rudest, rushy people I have ever come into contact with. I have been on and off the last week on ACNL, but several people who hadn't even bought from me yet complained to me that I was never online to do our trade, and just though I completely ignored them. Other people who I do wait for vanish with no message or explanation. And the forum has such strict rules.

I've done more trades here than on ACC, and with far nicer, patient people. I finally quit ACC today because I got tired of dealing with such people.
It seems that a lot of people ran to here from ACC. Sounds like a terrible community.

I only go on there to look at and maybe post town tunes.
I just read some of ACC's rules, here's a few highlights

1.15 Posting in Non-English Languages - Basically you cannot say "Me gusta" without saying "I like" in the same post. Pretty stupid reason to get banned.

1.17 Posting Friend Codes - You cannot post your FC on the post or in your sig, please use our most likely broken and confusing tool. If you don't, you're banned.

2.5 Bumping Threads - What if you're trading something and waiting every 5 hours to bump? Oh, I'm banned?! Great!

2.7 Universal Codes - Universal Codes was something in the GC animal crossing where, when you enter it, you get goodies from Tom Nook. This basically says, Universal Codes are worse than any slang word ever, if you post this, you will be reported and most likely banned.

2.8 Posting Item Codes - Same as Universal Codes

2.9 Overuse of Markup - Basically, if you use too many italics, bold, color, whatever. reported and banned. This rule is scary because you don't know how much is "Overuse of Markup". So maybe an italic and a bold is just TOO MUCH!

3.3 Trading on Forums - Only trade in PMs, if in the thread, you are in trouble.

4.1 Publishing Junk Patterns - If your patterns are bad, do not post. This following line is directly from the site "A good rule of thumb, if the pattern took you less than a few minutes to make, it will probably be considered a junk pattern."
1.15 Posting in Non-English Languages - Basically you cannot say "Me gusta" without saying "I like" in the same post. Pretty stupid reason to get banned.
You're not going to get banned from saying 'Me Gusta' - you'll probably just get a warning. If you make a lengthy post that's in a foreign language, then yes.

1.17 Posting Friend Codes - You cannot post your FC on the post or in your sig, please use our most likely broken and confusing tool. If you don't, you're banned.
I've never actually understood why ACC has this rule. It makes no logical sense imo. But meh.

2.5 Bumping Threads - What if you're trading something and waiting every 5 hours to bump? Oh, I'm banned?! Great!
I've bumped threads plenty of times in ACC and again, I've never even received a warning. And it wasn't anything discreet either. I went right out and posted 'bump' and I did it like 5 times until I got bored 'cause no one replied to my thread.

2.7 Universal Codes - Universal Codes was something in the GC animal crossing where, when you enter it, you get goodies from Tom Nook. This basically says, Universal Codes are worse than any slang word ever, if you post this, you will be reported and most likely banned.
2.8 Posting Item Codes - Same as Universal Codes
Never played the GC version so I can't have an opinion on this

2.9 Overuse of Markup - Basically, if you use too many italics, bold, color, whatever. reported and banned. This rule is scary because you don't know how much is "Overuse of Markup". So maybe an italic and a bold is just TOO MUCH!
yes, because typing like this in EVERY POST isn't the most annoying thing ever ◡‿◡ ♡◡‿◡ ♡◡‿◡ ♡

Tbh overuse of mark up should be common sense. Mark ups are typically used to emphasize words, not to use for an entire post.

3.3 Trading on Forums - Only trade in PMs, if in the thread, you are in trouble.
It spams up the topic so I agree, trades should be discussed via PM. Granted, doing it through the topic is easier, but I don't really want to read through 5 pages of a thread where two members are discussing trade details.

4.1 Publishing Junk Patterns - If your patterns are bad, do not post. This following line is directly from the site "A good rule of thumb, if the pattern took you less than a few minutes to make, it will probably be considered a junk pattern."
Whilst I think it's stupid, I get where they're coming from - It spams up the forum of patterns that no ones going to use, and then the patterns that people put hours of effort into making get buried by these patterns that nobody cares about.

TL;DR - different strokes for different yolks. I'm sure ACC has its reasons for having these rules and people just jump the gun calling them stupid when they don't bother to think why they may have these rules. Tbh there are some rules on TBT which I think aren't that great, and at the same time, there are some rules that I think TBT should have, but don't, but I know the staff have their reasons to have those rules so...
This foreign language crap rule there seems worse than subeta even, and they are pretty strict lol.
1. Toontown forums - Banned because they're too strict
2. Wizard101 forums - Banned because a couple of bullies framed me
3. FusionFall forums - It doesn't even exist anymore, but when it did it was horrible
4. Luna online forums - It was more of a teenage based forum, and I was only 12. If I had been older at the time I probably would have enjoyed it.
5. ACC forums - I think this one being disliked is pretty obvious
ACC was the first forum I ever went on (well, actually AXA, but I never logged on) and since it doesn't have the traditional layout, I got really confused for a bit here. o-O
Anyway, ACC and this place are the only forums I'm one. I just go back and forth. Don't get why everyone's fussy about it. ACC is great. Met great people there. I can understand being confused, though.
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An atheist forum. Everyone on there was very serious about atheism, and most of them were racist, misogynists, etc. I left after a few months.

the mods there were extremely elitist and at one point there was even a site rule stating that one of the admins was to be 'worshipped'

everyone was extremely obnoxious and the mods/admins had attitude problems and a lot of the members played favorites with each other

i even went so far as to make it a hobby of mine to troll the forums regularly to the point where they had to hire people in my time zone to keep me under control because they're a uk site and therefore only had uk/european mods and admins. everyone knew it was me because at one point i was fairly popular on the site when i still enjoyed it and all of my friends knew i was doing it. eventually the mods found out it was me trolling them so when another friend of mine spammed the forums, they accused ME lol.

it actually amuses me that the site is no longer popular. last time i lurked there, there were only very few people i recognized, and a lot of the boards are extremely inactive. can't wait until the day it finally shuts down.
ACC. For sure. Made my first post and never went back. Also this breast feeding community or something, idk I was curious. >_>