Gallbladder attacks. Before I had my gallbladder removed I would be curled up in pain from them. These attacks also caused bad back aches. I had a lot of trouble sleeping from those attacks.
Okay well firstly let me mention that I have a skin condition called psoriasis, which is an autoimmune issue where it attacks my skin. So basically having said that, it leaves my skin scaly, dry, extremely sore and so forth. So that in a nut shell is the worst pain, and the bad thing is I feel it often as it's not curable, just treatable :'(
Sounds quite morbid (rofl) but as a serious question...i'd have to go based off what I remember...probably when I broke my arm when I was younger but as I can't remember that i'd have to say getting my nose waxed xD (physical pain)
i was on a friend's motorbike and when i got off my leg accidentally touched the engine(?) (the one that looks like a pipe and its hot). that was the worst pain ive ever felt and it left a scar. but other that there is nothing else
I broke my collarbone when I was 12. It's apparently often in the top three of "most painful bones to break" lists, so. Yeah, it hurt. And like, you can't put a cast on it. You just have to put your arm in a sling and try not to move your shoulder or have something even slightly nudge your shoulder/neck area for 4-6 weeks. Good luck.
The stomach pains that woke up before 6am this morning >o< I really thought I was dying...
As for emotional pain- I'm not sure? Emotional pain doesn't hurt me that much anymore I'm more of a dgaf person now, even if someone hits all my insecurities and weak points, I'll literally forget in a day, though it might hurt me a LOT at first, haha.
When I got my tonsils taken out! You'll get to eat ice cream they said, suck on popsicles they said. LIES! Literally swallowing, breathing, coughing, sneezing, eating feels like death! I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks and got extremely dehydrated because I couldn't eat or drink.
By far the worst emotional pain is rejection, especially by someone you love. Hurts more than anything psychical imo.
But physically? The worst pain i've ever experienced was accidentally cutting the tip of my thumb off :/ Massive knife, cut the tip and bit of my nail right off.
Physically, it's dropping a chest of draws slot on my foot, and fracturing it without realizing until the pain became so unbearable that I had to go to the hospital.
Emotionally, it's knowing your drifting from somebody you considered a good friend and trying to keep their attention even though it clearly isn't working. Then having to accept that they're drifting from you, knowing there's nothing you can do about it.
If I'm being honest I'm going to say its a toss up for physical birth without ANY pain medication or tied with being raped. I was raped when I was 14, and in all honesty (I'm not trying to be shocking or inappropriate...) it was horrific emotionally, mentally and physically...
Emotionally is tied with when my father died when I was 8 very suddenly of a brain aneurism...and of course being raped...that emotionally wrecked me for quite some time,
Giving birth to my son. lol. Well not the act of giving birth since I had an epidural but the healing process was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. Especially because it took almost a year to heal fully.
Had a horrible panic attack and it hurts when you suddenly realize you understand nothing and the world probably would function better if you left..
Now I get many migraines from that... If anyone has psychological problems, feel free to talk with me.