Probably slicing my foot open when I was six after I jumped off my bed and landed on the sharp metal corner of my bedframe. I didn't jump on my bed for the rest of my childhood.
Not even gonna bother getting into the emotional pain thing, but as far as physical stuff goes? Ovarian cysts. Those things are excruciatingly painful. (to give you an idea: I once took 10 ibuprofen, which only managed to dull the pain down, maybe.. 70%) Food poisoning is a pretty close second, too. 'Cept it goes away a lot quicker (for me, anyway) so in a way, it's easier to bear.
I won't touch up on emotional pain but the worst physical pain I've ever experienced was tearing my ACL (the muscle near the thigh) during track and field. I had to get it operated on and couldn't run nor play football for a year or so! So I guess that contributes on emotional pain too. :/
Kidney stone. Before I knew what it was, I legitimately thought I was dying. All I could think about was how I hoped I could be stabilized enough to say goodbye to my family.
my brother threw our dog on me while i was taking a bath and i had to go to the emergency room cus my abdomen started to swell! the only thing that made the pain hurt less was screaming at the top of my lungs lmao
So my orthodontist didn't realize that my tooth enamel was weak and my braces were literally wearing holes in my teeth until he took them off and found the damage underneath
Then I have to go to a different dentist and get porcelain veneers to make everything pretty again. They had to drill my teeth down to lil nubs to pop the crowns over, right ? (they showed me in the mirror and it was actually really funny, I looked like a monster but anyway) Welp they drilled TOO far and too close to the nerves, like to the point where the nerves were exposed.
My mom was driving me and by the time we were halfway home from the dentist, just the air hitting my teeth was making me cry. I've got a super high pain tolerance but omg I was just sobbing in the back seat
Needless to say, visiting the dentist is now my least favorite thing in the world
Acid reflux. I have it every day. It feels like my stomach is about to explode and I get chest pains.
One of the worst pains I ever have, I don't get sick much.
the worst pain was waiting 8 hours for good spot in the pit at a concert, ending up having an anxiety attack and leaving the pit, then having to watch your favorite band from the worst spot in the venue.
Psychically: Menstrual cramps ARE THE WORST EVER! It's basically a shark biting you from the waist down. I have to stay in bed all day, and even when I'm laying down its really painful. When I need to get up to use the bathroom or something, it is absolute DEATH.
Emotional pain: I've been through a lot of awful family situations and mental illness related situations as well. But something not totally related to those is when my ex boyfriend cheated on me and played mind games with me until I left.
Psychical pain: menstrual pain is bad but nothing compares to toothaches. Seriously, it's the worst kind of pain in my opinion. You can't eat, you can't think, I have to constantly be sipping water while my teeth are bothering me, pain killers dont help. It's absolute t o r t u r e.
Migraines. It's hard to focus, work, function and even sleep at night whenever I experience them. I could handle any kind of emotional pain easily so either having a simple headache or a terrible one can ruin my day.
I was at a water park, going down one of those slides where you ride on the large inner tube. It was about 2/3 of the way down the slide, when a sharp turn caused my raft to flip over. I fell backwards, and smacked my head on the slide. I genuinely nearly blacked out from the shock (I recall my vision losing color and black closing in on sides). I didn't pass out though, so I had to push myself down the last third of the slide, while trying to deal with the worst migraine of my life.
worst physical pain is stepping on a plug and then tripping into a pile of rolled up rugs. worst emotional pain is trying to get rid of someone who abused me and wouldnt ever let me leave him, it was like ripping a sleeve off a blazer
Okay I got a stomach infection of sorts plus a UTI from being dehydrated. I swore my insides were going fall out or just stop working. I got the infection from using a very not nice bathroom!!! But I had to go and didnt want pee myself.. The doctors at the ER thought I'd been to a foreign country or something, but nope just my gross aunts house!!! I haven't been back to visit since :U
Worst physical pain was when I had gum grafting surgery, where they cut the skin off of the roof of my mouth and then sewed it onto the bottom gums, I thought I was going to be put out but they just gave me a few freezing shots.. recovering from it was awful, since I had a open wound across the entirety of the roof of my mouth and lower gums.. whenever I ate it felt like I was putting a hot curling iron on the roof of my mouth