Worst villager houses?

I'm not too fond of the interior furnishings for Vladimir's house. I gifted many other furniture for Vladimir to decorate his place with, but the furniture doesn't spruce up his room...especially considering the fact that he owns the chain-link fence and the ramshackle flooring...which I personally am not a fan of.
The only one I saw as terrible was Jacob's.

(not my pic)

I walked and then walked out, lol.

Actually Rory's is kind of weird. I like the initial idea but it's not my favorite.
Wow. Rory's house really is going nowhere. It's hard to decipher what is the theme the devs were going after. It is the ugliest house I have ever seen.
Probably not the worst, but still. I couldn't find a image to show his whole room, so I found two different ones where he was on the left and right.

I don't know about the worst houses out of all the villagers, but Butch has the worst in my island hands down. His is just an abandoned pit stop. The only cute thing about it is the two car-beds in the middle. The carpet is a messed up road and it just looks like he was abandoned as a puppy or something. I'd rather them have real homes instead of props/gags.
I hate Zucker's interior. I also don't like villagers with the trash wallpaper and flooring. Its kind of insulting, I don't know why Nintendo chose certain villagers to live in piles of trash.... maybe its a comment on society but ACNH is a fictional world where no animal deserves to live in pollution.
i got a few i took from the guide book, sorry if they're a bit blurry 😅

i really like gala but i've never had her so i might be missing something
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but her house is so weird, why is there jail bars???

then there's rasher
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his house is terrible inside as well as outside, i still love him though 💞

and finally, tabby 💕
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her house is an actual mess, i mean seriously, why does it look like this??? 😂
i love how chaotic it is but it's also extremely ugly, i literally can't stop laughing everytime i see this house

Gala's house is a bank. Cause she is a pig so it's a piggy bank
Not to mention there's a very limited variety of furniture, for example Merengue should have the sweets set and since it hasn't been in game since the beginning...
yup! i mentioned this elsewhere, but i loved hazel's house in NL and she became one of my favourites partly because of her house. i expected something similar in NH, but because they don't have the patchwork set, they decided to give her this awful empty wooden hut with nothing but a basketball hoop, and she's gone from one of my dreamies to dropping off the list. it's really disappointing! i feel this way about a good few villagers to be honest, and it's a shame because even though i wish they would do a retrospective house re-decor for a ton of villagers, i know it'll never happen :(
I'd say Fauna. Yes, there's a lot of worse interiors, but I think of Fauna as one of the most beloved villagers and she is definitely in my top 5.
Her interior is kind of stale and it feels empty, in my opinion it does not fit her.

I'd love for her to have an autumn or spring themed interior like Deirdre or Sylvana.

can we all just take a second to talk about octavian's home interior, please? and how the exterior is like.. completely unrelated.

i hate that feckin' spaceship in the middle. i stupidly gave octavian one of the kids tents that had been in my inventory instead of another gift, and he literally replaced the spaceship in the middle of his home with a black tent. so now it's even harder to walk around to get to anything in his home, and heavin forbid that he's working on something on his workbench because he jams it into the back corner behind all the fish i've collected for him 🤦‍♀️

i know, i know. my own complications with his home are very specific. but his original design still makes me throw my hands up in the air and go, 'wha.. why?'

i'm just going to settle on the idea that octavian's just an angry alien that's just waiting for his people to come and get him, like gulliver or something.
Not my picture but my best bud Gaston's house is pretty shabby. It's grown on me though, at least there's no port-a-potty lol.

Again not my picture but Mira's house bothers me for some reason. I had her on my island when I wanted an all rabbit island but I just didn't vibe with her or her house. I know some people really like it though cause it's different but she's suppose to be a super hero? What does a dinosaur themed play have to do with her?
yup! i mentioned this elsewhere, but i loved hazel's house in NL and she became one of my favourites partly because of her house. i expected something similar in NH, but because they don't have the patchwork set, they decided to give her this awful empty wooden hut with nothing but a basketball hoop, and she's gone from one of my dreamies to dropping off the list. it's really disappointing! i feel this way about a good few villagers to be honest, and it's a shame because even though i wish they would do a retrospective house re-decor for a ton of villagers, i know it'll never happen :(
At least let us decorate their houses like in HHD 😭
I'm just going from what villagers I have actually had on my island...

I would say Zucker's is pretty weird... I really don't like it.
I also don't enjoy the house that Butch has. I used to have him on my island when I first started, and I really couldn't stand his house. I felt like he deserved better.
Chief is my favourite villager, I've had him in all of my AC games, I was a bit gutted when I saw his house in NH. I got him without even checking what his house looked like. But I will still keep him forever and I decorated his yard with arts supplies.
Just going on the villagers I’ve had, poor Vesta is living in a laundry (I guess). She doesn’t even have a bed.
Again not my picture but Mira's house bothers me for some reason. I had her on my island when I wanted an all rabbit island but I just didn't vibe with her or her house. I know some people really like it though cause it's different but she's suppose to be a super hero? What does a dinosaur themed play have to do with her?

This. I was about to drop in here and point out that I've mentioned on numerous threads that I can't stand Mira's house. I don't fully understand what's going on there, and that's probably what's bothering me.
I like the idea of themes for the houses, I just think they weren’t executed very well. The houses are just too small for it and I’m sure they had to be careful about how many objects they can use. I’m sure if they had more creative freedom with them they would look great, but they just aren’t. So my answer would be all of them because they all kind of disappoint me tbh except for Luckys house his house is great.