Worst villager houses?

The only one I saw as terrible was Jacob's.

(not my pic)

I walked and then walked out, lol.

Actually Rory's is kind of weird. I like the initial idea but it's not my favorite.
Ok now I'm intrigued, what Rory's house is supposed to be?! I don't follow
My least favorite on my island is Mira's house..... I really like houses that actually make sense that they live in them. I miss in wild world how you could change their wallpaper and flooring if you gift it to them.... and they'd change out their furniture.
He's just living in the mangroves but then his little kiddie pool and porta potty is like nooo.

I would rather his home be full on outside environment than here's strange props on the beach for the lion, lol.
I hate Buzz’s house as it’s just a parking lot. I don’t like any of the houses that don’t actually look as real houses. I know some of them are creative and fit the villagers they’re created for, but I just don’t like them because I think of villagers more as civilised animals than wild beasts lol.
He's just living in the mangroves but then his little kiddie pool and porta potty is like nooo.

I would rather his home be full on outside environment than here's strange props on the beach for the lion, lol.
His is the worst house I've seen so far, for sure lol at least the garbage ones make sense and stick to the theme
Eunice. I love him so much, he’s adorable. But his house is literally a launderette. :LOL:
As much as I love Raymond, his house kind of bugs me. As someone whose philosophy is "work to live, not live to work" I really hate that poor Ray's house is an office with nowhere to relax/sleep. I play AC to get away from work, not get reminded of it. Initially I thought the gimmick was cute but the longer I have him the more I dislike his home.

My absolute favorite Cranky, Vladimir, also has a weird house. It's like a little construction site. It doesn't really feel like it matches him at all. I think the crankies tend to have weird houses in general- Chief's house on my other island is similar. Urban homes would be SO cool but this feels like less cool graffiti art walk up apartment and more like sleeping under a bridge. I just want them to have little older man retirement homes with a nice comfy sofa and bed! Especially since they both tend to spend a lot of time indoors. I'm not a fan of the more outdoor style homes, we have enough outdoor space to decorate!

Worst house of all time?! GRAHAM! My friend has him and he has like a hackers paradise, complete with a stalker shrine to Francine and Chrissy over his door. The set up absolutely creeps me out. Because of that I don't think I could ever have him on my island.
Idk if it's the house itself or because I hate the villager, but Barold's... Looks like he's a stalker with that wallpaper.
haha i thought the exact same thing but was too scared to say it tbh 😅
Merry, I hate her house. the outside is pretty but the inside is terrible, her diy starter house looks so much better. this house doesn't fit her at all. the wallpaper/flooring are hideous. i hate the mixed furniture, the green just doesn't fit with the rest. i really wish they would add something so we can fix ugly interiors like this(i would be happy if we could just get them to change the wallpaper/flooring). fyi this is not my pic i got it from googleView attachment 353345

Looks a lot like a farm house
I hate Bruce's house. one thing I do miss from NL is the villager's interiors, so many were downgraded in NH and are just barren with no personality.
Bruce is actually one of the few whose house stayed largely the same from NL to NH.

But still, I agree with you in general. It's all because NH decided to focus more on outdoor furniture than indoor, so a lot of villagers ended up with weird outdoor themes, and many of the ones that still have normal homes feel samey due to lack of variety.

And sadly I bet even if a big furniture update comes in, I doubt they'll go back and change any of the house interiors.
I actually really like Barold's wallpaper... while I was still playing NH, I got this wallpaper (from Saharah, I think?) and I thought it was one of the best things in the game. I loved that it was animated.

Aside from that, though, I find that the vast majority of NH villager homes are inferior to their NL homes. The lack of furniture variety in NH is all the more painfully apparent when you put the villagers' houses from both games side-by-side in comparison. The NH homes end up looking empty and cold. I agree with a lot of people about Flora's house looking particularly horrible, especially in comparison to her NL home. All the fun and personality is gone. There's nothing in her NH home to demonstrate that she's a peppy, or even that she has any interests or personality at all. She's apparently just a real-life flamingo now. They did that to a lot of other animals, too. Penguins had all their stuff replaced with ice furniture, and the pandas have houses furnished entirely with bamboo. It's so weird.

Another thing that baffles me are all the villagers who were randomly given trash homes and parking lot homes. I have to take a moment to complain about one of my favorite villagers, Keaton. He had an awesome and adorable beach house in NL, and now in NH he was given a parking lot for no reason... when they could have easily kept his beach house. They didn't even give him a beach-themed parking lot. It would have been so easy. Instead, they randomly gave beach houses to OTHER villagers, like Canberra, who never had a beach theme before. Why? I just don't get it.
I am appalled at chief's house and his life choices! Now i cant have a faux fox anymore. It is not the worst though. It is also funny how Marshal has his table against the couch and you cant access it. It is as if he doesnt want guests to sit and hang around, not very welcoming of him lol.
I had no idea Sherb's place looks like that! Yup Sherb has the cabin starter house interior on my island. I might try and switch him out at some point but I haven't wanted to let him go. :confused:

Maybe next time he asks I'll send him off and pretend it was just a vacation when I find him again. :LOL: Knowing me I'll get the purple/blue version and miss his cabin setup lol.
I could hold him on my second island if you want ^^
Did anyone mention Billy yet? I just moved him to my island via Amiibo to kick out another villager...thought i'd give him a try because I need a Jock and his color scheme quite fit my island aethestics...

Hmm possibly one of the worst house interiors i've ever seen lol. I think i will kick him out in a short while because I hate his house interior so much.

Not my pic; from acnh wiki:

I hate how the sweets series was removed and poor Merengue now just has a blender and a soft serve lamp. A severe downgrade from her NL house. I know her whole theme is sweet cafe but even the desserts shelf is absent so even that theme is iffy.
Did anyone mention Billy yet? I just moved him to my island via Amiibo to kick out another villager...thought i'd give him a try because I need a Jock and his color scheme quite fit my island aethestics...

Hmm possibly one of the worst house interiors i've ever seen lol. I think i will kick him out in a short while because I hate his house interior so much.

From the picture, it looks like he snuck into a library and has been secretly living in the stacks ever since. I kinda like it. 😆
I hate how the sweets series was removed and poor Merengue now just has a blender and a soft serve lamp. A severe downgrade from her NL house. I know her whole theme is sweet cafe but even the desserts shelf is absent so even that theme is iffy.
Totally agree, and Mira was supposed to have the astro set instead of whatever theme her house has.
EDIT: Just realized we’re talking about interiors lol. Sorry. But still... mind if I leave this up? Gotta rant about it somewhere...

This isn’t necessarily the “worst” but it does show a lack of creativity on the part of the designers. Can you notice a difference?

One is Kiki’s house and the other is Rudy’s. It blows my mind that the ONLY thing they thought of changing was the type of roof. Was it really impossible to give them different house exteriors?? I’ve seen other house exteriors that are also basically the same for two or more villagers. I see a lot of really cool colors, designs, etc., for a lot of villager houses- designs that don’t repeat. So I’m left wondering why for some villagers they just didn’t feel the need or had the time to make them different.

It’s annoying.