can we all just take a second to talk about octavian's home interior, please?and how the exterior is like.. completely unrelated.
i hate that feckin' spaceship in the middle. i stupidly gave octavian one of the kids tents that had been in my inventory instead of another gift, and he literally replaced the spaceship in the middle of his home with a black tent. so now it's even harder to walk around to get to anything in his home, and heavin forbid that he's working on something on his workbench because he jams it into the back corner behind all the fish i've collected for him
i know, i know. my own complications with his home are very specific. but his original design still makes me throw my hands up in the air and go, 'wha.. why?'
i'm just going to settle on the idea that octavian's just an angry alien that's just waiting for his people to come and get him, like gulliver or something.
Hahaha I have Octavian too and the first time I entered his house I was dumbfounded. I highly enjoy the angry alien theory