Worst villager houses?


can we all just take a second to talk about octavian's home interior, please? and how the exterior is like.. completely unrelated.

i hate that feckin' spaceship in the middle. i stupidly gave octavian one of the kids tents that had been in my inventory instead of another gift, and he literally replaced the spaceship in the middle of his home with a black tent. so now it's even harder to walk around to get to anything in his home, and heavin forbid that he's working on something on his workbench because he jams it into the back corner behind all the fish i've collected for him 🤦‍♀️

i know, i know. my own complications with his home are very specific. but his original design still makes me throw my hands up in the air and go, 'wha.. why?'

i'm just going to settle on the idea that octavian's just an angry alien that's just waiting for his people to come and get him, like gulliver or something.

Hahaha I have Octavian too and the first time I entered his house I was dumbfounded. I highly enjoy the angry alien theory 😂
Not my picture but my best bud Gaston's house is pretty shabby. It's grown on me though, at least there's no port-a-potty lol.

Again not my picture but Mira's house bothers me for some reason. I had her on my island when I wanted an all rabbit island but I just didn't vibe with her or her house. I know some people really like it though cause it's different but she's suppose to be a super hero? What does a dinosaur themed play have to do with her?
Mira wants to be an actress, and that is her stage. I really like it.
I had Buzz as a villager for a month or two and wasn't very fond of the interior of his house. Kinda has that racetrack vibe which doesn't do a whole lot for me personally, though it might be someone else's treasure.


I'm not super crazy about Sherb's interior either, though I love him too much to let that bother me. Think he has dirt flooring and now has a few bugs displayed from gifts. :rolleyes: Oops.
What are some of the worst villager house interiors? Any villagers you love with terrible houses?

One of my favorite villagers is Rocco and his house is a hideous construction theme. Does he sleep on the steel beams?? There’s not even a bed.

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image from nookipedia
I think its a charming house. It looks really cool
I had Buzz as a villager for a month or two and wasn't very fond of the interior of his house. Kinda has that racetrack vibe which doesn't do a whole lot for me personally, though it might be someone else's treasure.

View attachment 353304

I'm not super crazy about Sherb's interior either, though I love him too much to let that bother me. Think he has dirt flooring and now has a few bugs displayed from gifts. :rolleyes: Oops.

I had Buzz for a while and I had read it's supposed to be a rest stop. I did like the mountain wallpaper though, I think that was a nice touch for an eagle villager.

Sherb's normal interior is purple and blue but if he was one of your first 5 villagers he has the cabin starter house. (link)
I had no idea Sherb's place looks like that! Yup Sherb has the cabin starter house interior on my island. I might try and switch him out at some point but I haven't wanted to let him go. :confused:

Maybe next time he asks I'll send him off and pretend it was just a vacation when I find him again. :LOL: Knowing me I'll get the purple/blue version and miss his cabin setup lol.
Honestly, the houses were a lot more creative in New Leaf, and prettier. But, to answer your question.. I'm not keen on Flora's house, Mira's is also uninspired, that's all that comes to mind.
Merry, I hate her house. the outside is pretty but the inside is terrible, her diy starter house looks so much better. this house doesn't fit her at all. the wallpaper/flooring are hideous. i hate the mixed furniture, the green just doesn't fit with the rest. i really wish they would add something so we can fix ugly interiors like this(i would be happy if we could just get them to change the wallpaper/flooring). fyi this is not my pic i got it from google
Flora comes to mind for me. She used to have a cute pink themed house, but in NH they made it boring and just stuck a bunch of lawn flamingos around a watering hole. *claps* Wow, good job, Nintendo. Very creative...
Here is her NH house:

Compared to her house in NL:

Others that come to mind are Zucker, Klaus, Julia, and Ankha. Jacob's house probably looks the worst, but it isn't too far from his NL house (his gamecube house is gorgeous though).

I feel like because there's a limited amount of furniture in the game, some of these houses lack a lot of the charm and personality they used to have. :/ They really did some of these villagers dirty.
Biskit ):: he was one of my bffs in NL and I was so excited to have him on my town but his interior literally had me not caring whether he moved out or not, and he did. I get it and it's cute and all, but I want my pal to come home to a nice house with a bed and walls lmao. If Nintendo could design 2 home options for the villagers and randomly assign one on move-in, that (to me) would be the coolest and best option until we can change their interiors ourselves, I think.

pic from acfandom wiki
Hope I’m not jumping off topic too much - but what’s the general consensus on people expecting/hoping for the ability to design their interiors ourselves in some future update? I would love this...
I'm probably in the minority but I love villagers with random houses that don't look like conventional bedrooms with a bed and dresser and whatnot. I also really like the look of cardboard boxes lying around so the more the better 🤣 Also, the Flora interior example posted above looks hilarious to me and I'd enjoy visiting her with all her flamingo friends. I love it when villagers have "outdoor homes" because I rarely use Sahara wallpapers/flooring in my own home so it's a nice treat to see them in others. For example, Rolf's house is so chill every time I visit my friend's Rolf I like to just sit and pretend I'm camping.



Croque's house is also super neat but I'm always blown away by the autumn wall and flooring combo. But this thread isn't about interiors I like... I just wanted to give some love to the non-conventional types. Here's an interior that's pretty hideous to me imo:


But in general interiors don't really matter at all to me. I still have my first 5 villagers with their ugly starter houses and I haven't had the urge to fix them or switch them out because of it.

all pictures not mine, found on google.
i really don't like rolf's whole camping inside thing. it just looks so ugly.
I don’t really like Lucky’s house. It makes sense for him and everything, but I just feel it could have been executed better or something.