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Would you play Animal crossing on mobile?

probably not :( I really do not like spending time on the phone. I would much prefer being comfortable at home using my consoles.
My phone can barely run Miitomo, never mind whatever train wreck of data usage this thing is gonna be.
Probably not, I don't think all the controlling and mechanics would do it justice to be honest and we don't need more touch screen things. And yeah I can see it being turned into a f2p/micro-transactions crap in the end.
I already play app games, so why not?

I really hope it works on tablets and not just smartphones, I only have a tablet, not a smartphone, and I've seen a lot of people describe it as a "smartphone" game.

My only fear is that it might be laggy?
Even yet more proof the 3DS is being done in by mobile when you start having some of the biggest IP's put on mobile. Pokemon was a given, it's not 100% Nintendo's, but Animal Crossing IS, so there you go, they're moving more and more into the mobile space. Fanboys don't want to admit it, but with the report today saying Nintendo expects to sell as many 3DS systems in the full year of 2017 as they sold in just the launch month of March, 2011, the handwriting is on the wall, it's a dying system, and mobile is the reason why. If you can't beat them, join them, and that's what Nintendo did with DeNA, and Animal Crossing is just one of many IP's getting the mobile treatment... RIP Nintendo dedicated handhelds, your days are numbered...

...What? Did you even read any of the articles or even the announcement itself?

These are just companion apps. It's not going to be Animal Crossing as it is on a console or handheld; It's going to offer more gameplay than Miitomo sure, but it's not going to be a full Animal Crossing experience. It's stated right there in the press release that they're going to enhance the next major Animal Crossing experience on home consoles(oddly enough, unofficially confirming that one is indeed in development for NX). Nintendo has said over and over again that they would never release a full game on phones. Think of this more as the island program from Animal Crossing GC.

And of course the 3DS is being phased out! The NX console and handheld both launch next year. The 3DS is old and outdated now.
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Probably not unfortunately. I don't like playing anything on my phone as the touch screen is annoying, it's old and laggy, and I just don't like not having steady controls. If there is an app I will try it out obviously but I think it would get annoying really quickly for me :(

But I'm pretty sure they'll never release a full game on mobile, just a side app like Miitomo.
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Honestly, no, I would not. Considering data plans and the like, depending on what the game's requirements were it might drive up my bill, and I'm not really okay with that. :p If it was like an app that you download once and don't need to be online (3g or wifi whatever) at all to play it, then... why not put it out as a handheld game like Wild World and New Leaf? I guess if you don't have any restrictions on your mobile plan then it could work for some people, but for me the screen would be too small to accomnodate comfortable play, and the bill is a huge factor in my consideration. Nope nope nope.
Yes, I'd play. Whether or not I stick with it depends on how much it ties into the main series of games!
It depends on the type of game. If it's just a little mini game type thing that doesn't really tie into the main series, most likely not. But if it were like a regular game (like New Leaf) I probably would. I could only imagine what the controls would be like though. Like how would you dig holes? Or swing your net?
No. My phone would lag like crazy and I'm predicting the game will have to take up a lot of space if you mean like a game like AC:WW/AC:NL. Plus I don't like too much hardcore tapping cause the past AC:WW gives you a controller for a reason..
as long as its not jumpin on the micropay trend ill play it, but i hope it will be similar to the main animal crossing games.
No. On a game that has any sort of proper movement and placement? Why? It's much more easy to handle on the 3DS. I don't want to tap about a town and tap a door and tap a villager, it just feels more... precise when I'm doing it with the 3DS. Not to mention, I hate touching the screen. I love having the option to A a touch screen, which is impossible when your device literally revolves around me tapping it.
i will probably be downloading it but i doubt its gonna be an actual game, and would probably be better if people dont expect it to be anything like any of the games, itll probably some kind of minigame/ collecting app
Nah. Just like Miitomo, the game won't probably be available in my country anyway. Rooting my phone is too much of a hassle.
It seems there are some speculation that it's free to download and play. So I'll probably check it out.