Would you rather go to a football game or a rock concert?

Where you would rather be?

  • At a football game!

    Votes: 19 13.0%
  • At a rock concert!

    Votes: 79 54.1%
  • Neither are that interesting to me...

    Votes: 48 32.9%

  • Total voters
I'm not interested in neither of them, but if I had to choose then I would go with the rock concert. I can't stand football.
The Super Bowl is kind of a combination of both with the halftime show.

I'm still the only one to vote for the football game :( No one wants to go with me ;-;
It's an Animal Crossing site, so I wouldn't expect to see any jocks or football fans here. :p
It's an Animal Crossing site, so I wouldn't expect to see any jocks or football fans here. :p

You don't have to be a jock to enjoy watching football, and while I expect that Animal Crossing players are not into sports as much as the rest of society, it's not like they are polar opposite interests.
Definitely football, I love football, It's so fun to watch.
I vote for the rock concert but I like to see the halftime show of the Super Bowl those are awesome but when it's game
Nah my only sport it's bowling
You don't have to be a jock to enjoy watching football, and while I expect that Animal Crossing players are not into sports as much as the rest of society, it's not like they are polar opposite interests.

I'm a jock and I love Animal Crossing. xD
Both sounds pretty fun! I think I'll go with rock concert though, because I haven't went to one before. Gah but foot ball games or any sports are quite fun when you're into the gammeee
im not a fan of these 2 but football concert? rock music makes me dizzy and imagine blasting them at loud volume and also crazy fans jumping and shouting around. boy id faint.
I voted neither because I hate football, and most live rock bands, unfortunately, don't sound even half as good as they do on their albums, since they rely so heavily on sound designers. Not that there's anything wrong with a good sound designer, I just hate that bands these days would rather use sounds from a prerecorded sound library instead of recording themselves playing their actual instruments. I mean, I understand that it's difficult to get a high quality recording of drums and other instruments, and it's a pain to go back and edit out the room tones, and other white noise, but every sound would be unique if they still did it that way. What's worse is that TONS of musicians use the same set of prerecorded drum tracks. That's why all pop music sounds alike.