Would you rather go to a football game or a rock concert?

Where you would rather be?

  • At a football game!

    Votes: 19 13.0%
  • At a rock concert!

    Votes: 79 54.1%
  • Neither are that interesting to me...

    Votes: 48 32.9%

  • Total voters
neither. i'm not much of a sports person, and concerts are too much for me. plus, i'm a bit sensitive when it comes to music blasting into my ears
neither. bc of my autism i have some sensory issues, so i don't want to put my eardrums at risk..
A concert easily. I don't really follow or "get" sports so this is an easy decision either way.
i picked football game; but for either choice it would depend upon who's playing...

also, football games smell too much like whiskey, sweat, and grass (turf)

concerts smell too much like grass (pot), sweat, and grass (turf)

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I'd love to see the Bears play someday.

daaaaa Bearss.

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Football because I of the after game fights.

maybe they should have dope smoking at football games too in order to cut down on fights...
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I'd probably rather be at a rocky concert. I have gone to both, and to me with my past experiences, they are both quite as messy when celebrating. Especially if someone started to punch another person. By the time that starts, I leave where I am and change to another safer place in order to enjoy the show.

But yeah, for me, rock concert.
Rock concert for me.
My Dad is really into sports, but I'd rather take the rock concert option.
I wouldn't really want to go to either, since I'm not really big into going to concerts or anything having to do with sports. If I had to choose though, I'd go with a rock concert.
It's interesting that people find these years old threads. It's more interesting to me that I voted in this thread four years ago. It's even more interesting that someone would revive this thread now of all times.
It's interesting that people find these years old threads. It's more interesting to me that I voted in this thread four years ago. It's even more interesting that someone would revive this thread now of all times.
Of all the threads that could resurface... this is such a random one :rolleyes:
Rock concert unless the band sucks.
maybe a football game? i’m not really a sports fan but i feel like the vibes could be good
both of these can be wild but in different ways. ive never liked football games i have never been a sports person and the vibe sucks especially bri ish football. a nice thing about concerts is that they usually encourage people to bring earbuds to protect ur ears and they sell them there sometimes, it helps me a lot because i have hypersensitivity
Definitely a rock concert, even if I didn’t like the band much. I loathe the NFL, and the local team’s fans are absolutely insufferable
As a proud Raiders fan (yay Vegas!!!!) I would love to go to their game, I’ve been to one before years ago when they were in Oakland (thank god they left..) and it was really fun!! I wouldn’t go to any other games though if it wasn’t home town raiders though, so I would pick neither since I don’t like rock
I'm gonna have to go with the concert, especially if it's a band I like; I'm not much of a football fan. Or a fan of most sports, honestly.

Also, at concerts, the air just feels brighter; everyone's there because of the same liked thing. Sports have differing fans, who can be hostile towards each other (not to say mosh pits aren't a thing at concerts, but still). It's just my take on it though, I know some people enjoy both.