Would you rather go to a football game or a rock concert?

Where you would rather be?

  • At a football game!

    Votes: 19 13.0%
  • At a rock concert!

    Votes: 79 54.1%
  • Neither are that interesting to me...

    Votes: 48 32.9%

  • Total voters
Neither is interesting to me. I can't watch football if my life depended on it, and I can't understand how someone can find it interesting. Then again, I'm not a sports fan in general. I tried to give it a chance, but I just found it extremely boring. Usually I get the "of course you don't like it, it's more of a..." *drumroll* mans game!" 😑

And I don't like to go to concerts because it's exhausting to wait in line for hours when I could just listen to whatever I fancy online while doing something else, but if I had to pick one: concert, definitely.
I would rather watch a sport I'm not interested in than go to a concert I'm not interested in.
I'm not into concerts (or music in general), and while I'm not the biggest fan of football, sports are definitely fun to be at live. I did go to a football game in person once, and I didn't mind it, so, yeah.
I love both football and rock/metal music so I guess both? But also neither because I get panic attacks in crowds, so it's not something I would want to do often. I think it'd be cool to experience a concert with my favorite band or watch my favorite football team live at least once, though.
So the issue in our case is mostly sensory related, although rock concerts sound awesome and we'd go there if we could if we're being honest it would definitely get extremely overwhelming and could trigger sensory overload. Though football we find kind of boring to watch, though I know at games in person they usually have more going on than just the game, so that could be fun? I don't know, my votes on neither though.
I don't like American football ( I do like real football, soccer if you will tho).
On the other hand, I love rock music and concerts making it the obvious choice.
Neither to be honest. I want to go to a football game where all the players are rock concert band members.
I prefer concerts but I go so often that I now take specialized earplugs to save my hearing. Literally, I would go to concerts once a month before the pandemic! Hell for my wallet and my ears haha.
Football is one of the most boring and overrated sports to ever exist (along with baseball), so certainly not that. Rock music is actually great (well, maybe not the modern kind), but I've also never had any interest in physically going to concerts, since I just don't like loud and crowded places. So I guess I'll go with "neither".
I'm inclined to say neither as I don't like crowded places, I prefer music with all the studio work added to it rather than live performances, and I've never really been interested in watching sports. If I absolutely had to pick one or the other, I'd probably go for the football game because while music's cool and all, again, I'd rather listen to it on an album. Meanwhile, I'm not wholly against watching sports, it's just never been a passion; I've never been particularly emotionally invested in teams other than thinking that some teams have neat colors and logos. I'll sometimes watch Big Games, like the Super Bowl, the NBA finals, etc. just for the heck of it, but that's about it.
I'd enjoy going to a concert over a sports game but I'm not sure who I'd want to see
I would pick concert for sure. I'm sure I would have fun at either event but the fact that it's football is a little unappealing to me so for that reason I'm leaning towards concert. Even with music I am not interested in I have never ever not had a good time at a concert/gig.
A rock concert for sure! Never been a sports kind of person, but I do enjoy playing for fun from time to time *cough cough wii sports*.
I'd rather go to a concert as I'm more likely to know a band than a football team, but it might be fun to go to a game. I've never been to a professional sports event, just my highschool games. I'd be more interested in the food there than the game itself though lol
Definitely a rock concert, I've been to quite a lot of music concerts (not always rock though) and I've always enjoyed them, the only sports event I've been to was to watch the F1 Grand Prix while I was in Italy and I enjoyed that but I would never go to a football game as I don't watch/follow the sport.
well I hate football so there's no way I would go to that. I do... kinda like rock music, depends on what kind of rock it is (I like classic rock). but the problem is that those concerts are always so loud, so it would have to be someone that I really like or else I wouldn't want to go.
I'm not that into sports, but they're fun to watch once in a while. Being in Canada where hockey is the most popular sport, I've never actually been to a football game. Might as well see one at least once in my life.