Would you rather go to a football game or a rock concert?

Where you would rather be?

  • At a football game!

    Votes: 19 13.0%
  • At a rock concert!

    Votes: 79 54.1%
  • Neither are that interesting to me...

    Votes: 48 32.9%

  • Total voters
I don't like football....but I have very sensitive hearing, so I don't think I would enjoy going to a rock concern either. I prefer to just listen to music on online (YouTube, Amazon Music, etc.)
I'd rather be at a music festival than a rock concert...but, I'd much rather be at a rock concert than a football game.

I do like rock music...but, it's not usually the kind of concert that I attend. Although, ironically enough, the last concert I saw before the pandemic was Primus and Slayer at Madison Square Garden. And you can't really get more "rock" than Slayer. I think my ears are still ringing from that one. Lol.
Absolutely neither, though I was forced to go some football games because my brother was in the school band...
Sports bore me, but more importantly, I don't like really loud noises and that is what both options have.
i hate football, sorry but i just can't understand why footballers get paid so much for doing basically nothing

also while i don't mind rock music, i prefer to listen to music at home rather than around loads of people
i'm a really nervous person and i recently went to my first concert, which was actually just a small room with around 30-40 people but i still freaked out and had to leave early

so yeah, i don't like loud places or being around too many people
Rock concert! I'd have to really hate the band's music/style to pick a football game over a concert
if the music is good then I'd go to the rock concert for sure! I'm pretty sensitive to loud sounds but it sounds like it could still be fun.
ive nevwr been to a football game, but ive been to a concert and the flashiness and loudness gave me a panic attack and i had to go home early.. i don't know how much better a football game is in that regard, and im not really interested in sports. i wouldn't really like either but if i HAD to choose id go football game
I'm having a really big 'de ja vu' feeling about this thread. (but I wasn't even here when it was active. yikes).

My sports interest are pretty specific to me. I'm really invested into the ones that I like, and I don't care at all for ones I don't like. I don't care about football. Sitting through a game sounds awful.

I'll take the rock concert. Maybe I'll learn a new song or two.
Rock concert all the way! I don't care for sports at all and I like rock music, so it's an easy choice for me. Even if it's artist I don't know/like, I'd still pick that over a football game. :v
It depends on what the band is, I guess. I’ve never been that excited about concerts except the hypothetical of my one of my favorite bands coming back. I wouldn’t say no to a football outing though even though I’m not into most sports, the atmosphere is nice and you can sit down.
I’d go to a rock concert if any of the bands I like had a reunion or something since I don’t think most of them perform anymore. I was interested in the other football (soccer) for awhile and I honestly would be open to it depending on the team maybe. Having said this, while I’d be interested in it, getting myself to go is a whole different story. It has been getting harder for me to leave the house. I loved going to see the Red Wings play years back (when Datsyuk and Lidstrom were still playing), but now I have no interest going because I liked hockey more before the lockout, don’t know any of the players now for any team, and my anxiety being around crowds and leaving the house.