Would you rather have rude villagers or stick with friendly villagers?

Would you want rude villagers to return or stick with friendly villagers

  • Rude Villagers Should Come Back

    Votes: 67 67.7%
  • Stick with Friendly Villagers

    Votes: 32 32.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Like a lot of people said, i would like a bit of variation in the personalities, to really feel it.
Toned rudeness, at the right moment, yeah, why not. I'm rude sometime, but never mean when i do. Bad mood, poor social skill, so many reasons to be unhappy at one moment.

But mean ? Hell no. I remember trying wild world and just closing it ten minutes later when out of nothing a villager just insult me for the simple fun of it. (Or Nook moking me because i don't have the money to pay the house :u good seling trick big boy) I'm not soft skinned, i'm not a cry baby. But i already have a big problem with social life irl and honestly, i don't need more trouble in a game that's supposed to relax me. I know a lot of people says that in real life, everyone is not always nice. And yes that's true. But if a follow that line, nobody in real life likes it when they are bullied or freely insulted. And they just don't take the agression and called it a day.

So for now, i'll stay with the actuals villagers of New Horizons. Would welcome some variations with opened arms any time.
I've always wondered about the GC script and now close it is to the original japanese dialogue. Anyways I would hate for them to act that way so I voted for friendly but I would like -some- more coldness from snooty, cranky, and even smugs. At least in the beginning. I know the GC game is fondly remembered but it's a bit... I don't know. Much? Too far the other direction and just as unrealistic as the too far happy versions we have now.
i'd honestly prefer cranky villagers to be initially rude, and then gradually warm up to you. they're still going to be a little sarcastic, but after befriending you they'll be much more warm — sometimes moreso — compared to other villagers. if somebody took the time to visit and talk to you despite you being rude and gave you gifts, i'd imagine it'd make you step back and think a lil.

i otherwise prefer friendly villagers, but i'd love more variety.
There are times where I could not even tell who my cranky was. I would like for some villagers to be rude at first like Crankys and Snootys and then as they warm up to you, they become nicer. I'd love to develop a relationship and get to see another side of them. ALSO, bring back my king Resetti....
I've never played any of the previous games, so the rudeness is not something I miss or desire. One of my favourite villagers is Diana, and I would hate if she didn't feel friendly to me.
I'd prefer if cranky and snooty started off mean like they used to be, then became nicer as they warmed up to you. I'm the kind of person who likes roasting and being roasted and it would be so fun to see my villagers roast me in creative ways! I'd definitely talk to my villagers a lot more if this were the case. Them being so nice and friendly actually makes them feel completely one dimensional and boring to me, so much so that I don't often bother talking to them. They even removed the mean and rude NPCs like Resetti and Phyllis! 😭
some of my favorite animal crossing memories are of fang being rude to me lol so i say bring them back!

i agree that it would be cute if they warmed up to you a lot over time.
i honestly would love a mixture of both. i don’t want my villagers to be 100% friendly or 100% mean but instead, i’d like for them to be both. :’)
Adding rudeness definitely gives a bit of spice with your daily villager interactions. (In a sense, it's like real life.) However, I am against it. Because I see Animal Crossing as means of escapism. If you want to interact with rude people, go out. You can find one easily. :D

In reality, I don't want Felicity to hate me. She will crush my heart.
Wild World's dialogue was perfect I think, I'd settle for something like that. I can understand why someone might not like villagers being rude to them unwarranted but WW had the perfect mix of snarky and nice. like I opened WW a few days ago and got a letter from one of my villagers that left calling my town a dump and it made me miss how crass they used to be at times.
however I've seen people get upset at the sarcasm from the snowmen when they don't make it perfect which makes me doubt whether rude dialogue would've gone down well in NH.
I feel like sisterly villagers are a tiny bit rude lol don't like them very much
I love the cranckies tho, I have Dobie and it suits him so well

I think I would be ok with flat out rudeness in some specific situations only
Rudeness simply for the sake of being rude out of the blue, no. Rudeness because you answered rudely when presented with a multiple-choice dialog, yeah, why not? I've just had a conversation between Whitney and Marshal where they roasted each other because they weren't "living the island dream" or something like that and we can't have that, everything is "darling" and "sweetheart".
I don't think being rude just for the sake of it has a place in a game or in society nowadays, what with people cancelling each other for a simple remark (that sometimes isn't even rude, but that's not the point).
I think adding some rudeness would be good, there doesn’t seem to be much difference in personality right now. Even in new leaf there was more variety but I know it was nothing like the older games. Everyone is super nice now and the personalities are basically like normal nice, old nice, hungry nice, sporty nice, fashion nice, sister nice, boy nice, happy nice. Instead of the spice girls they’re all just the nice girls
Variety is the spice of life. Crank up that Cranky dial and bring on some rudeness.
Rather than having a straight up rude villager, I'd prefer a snarky or mischievous one lmao
i'd like villagers to have more varied dialogue and be able to get angry and not feel so robotic, but i'd rather villagers be nice then flat out rude
I'd like if snooty and cranky villagers are more rude than they are now. Then it would feel more gratifying when you make friends with them and actual get to open up with you more and become more trusting. :)
They should let us when making a character pick child mode or adult mode. Adult mode would have rude villagers and the names of the items unchanged. Child mode would be like it is now.