you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

you get to move one npc onto your island permanently, who do you choose?

  • celeste

  • daisy mae

  • k.k. slider

  • pascal

  • gulliver/gullivarrr

  • wisp

  • c.j.

  • flick

  • redd

  • gracie grace

  • label/labelle

  • leif

  • kicks

  • other: post who if you want!

Results are only viewable after voting.


gulliver stan.
May 29, 2018
this means that they will have their own house, like any other regular villager. you'd be able to choose where their plot is. you could give them gifts and such, but they wouldn't place any furniture in their house or change clothes. this obviously isn't real it's just a fun "what if" scenario!! so feel free to say who/why and imagine how they'd change/impact the island!

these npcs are excluded + reasons for exclusion:
  • tom nook - basically lives at the town hall
  • timmy & tommy - they need to stay at nook's cranny, i don't make the rules that's just how it is
  • isabelle - same reason as nook
  • orville - lives at the airport
  • wilbur - also lives at the airport
  • harvey - he has his own island and is living the dream he doesn't need to move to yours
  • blathers - he lives at the museum
  • sable & mable - they live at their tailor shop
if i could, i'd personally choose gulliver or wisp. if gulliver, he wouldn't wash ashore anymore, but he'd probably somehow lose his communicator and/or parts anyway and still provide special items. i feel as if wisp would still sometimes wander around at night and do his same thing. i imagine that these npcs would still provide their special function somehow!!

note: it doesn't have to be a npc featured in new horizons, can be from any of the games. (like gracie)
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i chose kicks because i absolutely LOVE his design, he is so cute i can't even ♡♡♡
also i probably spent around 20 minutes in his shop on NL the other day just jamming along to his shop music, it's such a rave 😂

sable is my favourite NPC but kicks is definately a close second because he is so cool ☆
Celeste! I bought her special furniture in Pocket Camp, and I would love to see her just regularly hanging out on my island like she does in Pocket Camp.

If it was to have as a villager, definitely Celeste. If it was a permanent shop keeper, Lief so that I don’t need to wait for him when I want to buy flowers.
Redd over anyone else. He's my favorite NPC beside Blathers and Brewster (rip, he's not in the poll).

Plus imagine the shenanigans that would occur with having Tom Nook and Redd on the same island. Like living in a telenovela haha.
tom nook vs redd lol, i'd like to see it.

but yeah i was suuuuper close to including brewster, but i didn't because i feel like they will be releasing an update with him and his cafe at some point. not confirmed obv it's just an assumption i'm making, since players want him back very badly (including me i would LOVE to see brewster in new horizons, as he is one of my favorite npcs). i imagine if brewster was in nh he'd have a cafe type setting like in new leaf, and i'd put him on the exclusion list
I love Label. She is my favourite Abel Sister.
Also I would love Kicks which is over all my favourite NPC I guess but you only could choose one sadly.
Can I move in both Flick and CJ please? I don't really interact with either much anymore when they visit but I'd love to see Flick's art studio and CJ's vlog set up and see them actually interacting/being domestic together ;w; I'd really love to see what their shared space would look like and get more glimpses into their relationship 💕💕
Can I move in both Flick and CJ please? I don't really interact with either much anymore when they visit but I'd love to see Flick's art studio and CJ's vlog set up and see them actually interacting/being domestic together ;w; I'd really love to see what their shared space would look like and get more glimpses into their relationship 💕💕
we can make an exception for c.j. and flick, bc we do not want to separate them